About us

The Tethys Research Institute is a non-profit research organisation supporting marine conservation through science and public awareness, founded in 1986 and headquartered at the Civic Aquarium of Milano, Italy. Tethys’ main goal is the conservation of the marine environment, achieved through the provision of scientific knowledge to conservation policy, the participation in the international conservation process, and public awareness. Over almost three decades of work, Tethys has generated one of the largest datasets on Mediterranean cetaceans (available online), and shared the results of its research in hundreds of scientific publications. In 1991 Tethys was the first to conceive and propose the creation of an iconic protected area, the Pelagos Sanctuary for the Conservation of Mediterranean Marine Mammals, the world’s first to be established beyond national jurisdiction. Since 1987 Tethys has involved, as research volunteers, thousands of people from all over the world in its conservation activities. Funding to Tethys derive from government and EC grants, private donors, and contributions from research volunteers. The work of Tethys is based on the collaboration of approximately 30 associates and assistants.

L’Istituto Tethys ONLUS è una organizzazione senza fini di lucro dedicata alla conservazione dell’ambiente marino attraverso la ricerca scientifica e la sensibilizzazione del pubblico; fondato nel 1986, ha sede presso l’Acquario Civico di Milano. Lo scopo primario di Tethys è la conservazione dell’ambiente marino attraverso il supporto di conoscenza scientifica alle misure e alle normative in materia di tutela delle specie e dell’ambiente, la partecipazione al processo internazionale di conservazione, e la sensibilizzazione del pubblico. In oltre tre decenni di attività, Tethys ha prodotto uno dei più vasti dataset sui cetacei del Mediterraneo (disponibile online), comunicando i risultati delle proprie ricerche attraverso centinaia di pubblicazioni scientifiche. Nel 1991 è stato primo a concepire e proporre la creazione di un’area protetta emblematica, il Santuario Pelagos per la conservazione dei mammiferi marini del Mediterraneo, la prima al mondo istituita oltre le giurisdizioni nazionali. Nell’ambito di un programma di citizen science che oggi è tra i più lunghi al mondo, Tethys ha coinvolto nelle attività in mare, dal 1987, migliaia di persone di ogni nazionalità come collaboratori non-specialisti. Le attività di Tethys sono possibili grazie a finanziamenti governativi e della Comunità Europea, a donazioni private, e al contributo dei volontari di ricerca. Il lavoro dell’istituto si basa su circa 30 collaboratori.

Our mission

The Tethys Research Institute was founded in 1986 by Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara and Egidio Gavazzi.

Since its beginning, Tethys has promoted research and conservation activities on marine mammals, in particular cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and the endangered Mediterranean monk seal, although investigations have also extended to devil rays and marine turtles. Research activities have taken place mainly in the Mediterranean Sea, but also in the Black Sea, the North Atlantic, the Caribbean, the Red Sea and Antarctica.

Research methods used include population studies based on distance sampling (from aircraft and surface) and photographic capture-recapture, remote sensing, bioacoustic research, behavioural sampling, remote collection of biopsy samples for genetic and toxicological analyses, the combined use of laser range-finding binoculars and GPS to record the movements of whales, and historical studies.

Based on its Statute, the main goal of Tethys is the conservation of the marine environment, achieved through the provision of scientific knowledge to conservation policy, and the participation in the international conservation process as affiliate or collaborating body with organisations such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea, the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Accordingly, Tethys first conceived and proposed the creation of an iconic protected area, the Pelagos Sanctuary for the Conservation of Mediterranean Marine Mammals (in 1991), which was also the world’s first marine protected area established beyond national jurisdiction. Another important element of Tethys’ contribution to marine conservation is public awareness, achieved through the institute’s presence on the social media, on popular media and public television, as well as through the involvement, as research volunteers, of thousands of people from all over the world in its conservation activities (cruises and field bases). Started in 1987, Tethys’ involvement of volunteers in its research is amongst the world’s longest standing programmes of citizen science.

Funding to Tethys derive from government grants, private donors, European Commission programmes, and contributions from research volunteers. The work of Tethys is based on the collaboration of approximately 30 associates and assistants.

Fondato da Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara e Egidio Gavazzi, l’Istituto Tethys ha promosso, fin dagli inizi, la ricerca e la conservazione dei mammiferi marini, in particolare cetacei (balene e delfini) e foca monaca, specie gravemente minacciata in Mediterraneo, oltre a mobule e tartarughe marine. Focalizzate principalmente sul Mediterraneo, le ricerche si sono estese occasionalmente anche a mar Nero, Atlantico settentrionale, Caraibi, mar Rosso e Antartide. I risultati delle ricerche vengono regolarmente comunicati in occasione di seminari, conferenze e incontri internazionali, ed hanno prodotto ad oggi oltre 500 pubblicazioni scientifiche. I metodi di ricerca comprendono studi di popolazione con Distance Sampling (sia dalla barca che dall’aereo), cattura-ricattura fotografica, telemetria, bioacustica, campionamento comportamentale, raccolta di biopsie a distanza per analisi genetiche e tossicologiche, l’uso combinato di binocolo con range-finder al laser e GPS per il rilevamento degli spostamenti dei grandi cetacei, e studi storici. Da statuto, l’obiettivo principale di Tethys è la conservazione dell’ambiente marino mediante il supporto di conoscenza scientifica, e la partecipazione al processo internazionale di conservazione come affiliato o ente collaborante con organizzazioni come la Convenzione sulla Diversità Biologica (CBD), la Convenzione sulle Specie Migratorie, la Convenzione di Barcellona per la Protezione del Mediterraneo, l’Accordo sulla Conservazione dei Cetacei nel mar Nero, Mediterraneo e nell’Area Atlantica Contingua (ACCOBAMS), l’Unione per la Conservazione della Natura (IUCN), la Commissione Baleniera Internazionale (IWC). Un altro importante elemento del contributo di Tethys alla conservazione del mare è la divulgazione scientifica presso il grande pubblico attraverso la presenza sui media, sui social, e nelle televisioni, e inoltre il coinvolgimento, in qualità di partecipanti sul campo, di migliaia di persone da tutto il mondo.

Click on the button to the right and read our Statute. The document is in Italian

Tethys Research Institute has been included in the  “5 brilliant Groups Protecting Our Oceans” by Wiki.exvid.com

30 years devoted to research and conservation

On January 31, 2016 the Tethys Research Institute completed 30 years of activities. Many are its achievements in the field of scientific research on large marine vertebrates, particularly cetaceans, but also mobulidae and seals; over 500 publications have seen the light in this period, in collaboration with the most prestigious international institutions.

Research by Tethys has always been aimed to the conservation of the marine environment and its species diversity, particularly in the Mediterranean. Several challenges have been faced by the institute. Simultaneously, Tethys has carried out science, education and public awareness, which are key in the implementation of conservation measures.

The slider below summarizes Tethys’ milestones.

The People

Board of Directors

Simone Panigada

Simone Panigada

Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara

Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara

Vice President
Arianna Azzellino

Arianna Azzellino

Scientific coordinator Cetacean Sanctuary Research
Joan Gonzalvo

Joan Gonzalvo

Coordinator Ionian Dolphin Project
Caterina Lanfredi

Caterina Lanfredi

Principal Field Investigator Cetacean Sanctuary Research
Marina Costa

Marina Costa

Member of the Board
Elena Politi

Elena Politi

Web Manager

College of Arbiters

Margherita Zanardelli (President)
Sabina Airoldi
Maddalena Jahoda

Honorary Presidents

Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara
Margherita Zanardelli

Honorary Members

Claudio Cavolla
Massimo Demma
Mauro Mariani
Carlo Nastri
Primo Vismara
Riccardo Zucchini

Historical records of Tethys’ board and management


Margherita Zanardelli

Margherita Zanardelli

Adriana Geraci

Adriana Geraci

General & administrative secretary
Elena Politi

Elena Politi

Web Designer
Maddalena Jahoda

Maddalena Jahoda

Sabina Airoldi

Sabina Airoldi

Cetacean Sanctuary Research Manager
Paolo Pinto

Paolo Pinto

Field researcher & Skipper
Roberto Raineri

Roberto Raineri

Field researcher & Skipper

Field researchers

Nino PierantonioPrincipal Field InvestigatorIonian Dolphin Projectn.pierantonio@gmail.com
Carmen Andrés HerviasField ResearcherIonian Dolphin Project
Marina CostaData Analysis and ConsultantIonian Dolphin Projectmarinza.costa@gmail.com
Dimitrios K. MoutopoulosFisheries advisorIonian Dolphin Project
Chiara PiroddiEcosystems modelerIonian Dolphin Projectpiropiro12@yahoo.it
Martina BottaroPrincipal field investigatorCetacean Sanctuary Research
Gioele PassoniPrincipal field investigatorCetacean Sanctuary Research
Alessia ScuderiPrincipal field investigatorCetacean Sanctuary Research
Morgana VighiPrincipal field investigatorCetacean Sanctuary Research
Viridiana JimenezPrincipal field investigatorCetacean Sanctuary Research
Federico De PascalisField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Valentina De SantisField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Vittorio FaddaField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Julia GostischaField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Virginia IorioField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Sylvan OehenField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Federica SalandraField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Giulia SoldanoField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Livia TolveField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Francesco VenturaField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research
Raul Zabala BelenguerField ResearcherCetacean Sanctuary Research