Scientific publications
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ID | Authors | Year | Title | Source | doi |
1 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1981 | L’orca | Società Editrice Internazionale, Torino 177 pp. | |
2 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1986 | Manuale del cetonauta | Edizioni del Cormorano, Milano 72 pp. | |
3 | Benedetta Cavalloni | 1988 | Aspects of cetacean ecology in the central and eastern Mediterranean | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Padova, Italy. | |
4 | Margherita Zanardelli | 1988 | Recording and analysis of acoustic emissions of two cetacean species: the striped dolphin and the Risso’s dolphin | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
5 | Giovanni Bearzi | 1989 | Contribution to the knowledge on the biology of bottlenose dolphins in the Northern Adriatic Sea | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Padova, Italy. | |
6 | Maria Cristina Venturino | 1989 | Study of the osteometric variability of Monachus monachus | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
7 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Venturino M.C., Zanardelli M., Bearzi G., Borsani J.F., Cavalloni B., Cussino E., Jahoda M., Airoldi S | 1990 | Distribution and relative abundance of cetaceans in the Central Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 4:41-43. | |
8 | Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Pavan G | 1990 | Underwater acoustic signals by the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba | European Research on Cetaceans 4:69. | |
9 | Laura Bonomi | 1991 | Aspects of the social ecology of bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (Northern Adriatic Sea) | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
10 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G., Bonomi L | 1991 | Bottlenose dolphins off Croatia: Photoidentification and behavioral observations | 9th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Chicago, Illinois, 5-9 December 1991. | |
11 | Bearzi G | 1991 | Cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea: A multimedia interactive program as a new way to educate visitors in dolphinaria | 9th Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals Riccione, Italy, 15-19 March, 1991. | |
12 | Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Baker C.S., Jahoda M | 1991 | Fin whales summering in the Ligurian Sea: photoidentification and genetic analysis | 9th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Chicago, 5-9 | |
13 | Bearzi G | 1991 | Il tursiope del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Pordenone | Pp 97-100 in Anonymous, edIl museo spettacolo ANMS, Museo delle Scienze di Pordenone. | |
14 | Elena Politi | 1991 | Stomach contents of blue sharks in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milano, Italy. | |
15 | Focardi S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Venturino M.C., Zanardelli M., Marsili L | 1991 | Subcutaneous organochlorine levels in finback whales (Balaenoptera physalus) from the Ligurian Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 5:93-96. | |
16 | Borsani J.F., Pavan G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1992 | A cetacean sound library catalogue of the Mediterranean Sea | Bioacoustics 4(1):60-61. | |
17 | Borsani J.F., Pavan G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1992 | An acoustic study of sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, and other cetaceans in the southern Tyrrhenian and western Ionian Seas | European Research on Cetaceans 6:171-173. | |
18 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bonomi L | 1992 | Bottlenose dolphins off Croatia: a socio-ecologic study | European Research on Cetaceans 6:130-133. | |
19 | Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Acquarone M | 1992 | Cetacean sighting reports by amateurs: a two-sided coin | European Research on Cetaceans 6:79-82. | |
20 | Borsani J.F., Pavan G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1992 | Cetacean Sound Archive: collection of sound recordings from cetaceans of the Mediterranean | European Research on Cetaceans 6:168-170. | |
21 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G | 1992 | Cetaceans in the northern Adriatic Sea: past, present, and future | Rapports de la Commission Internationale de la Mer Méditerranée 33:303. | |
22 | Politi E., Bearzi M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Cussino E., Gnone G | 1992 | Distribution and frequency of cetaceans in the waters adjacent to the Greek Ionian Islands | European Research on Cetaceans 6:75-78. | |
23 | Bearzi G | 1992 | L’arte della pesca | Pp 123-153 in GNotarbartolo di Sciara, ed Le ricchezze del mare Nuova ERI Edizioni RAI, Torino (in Italian). | |
24 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., ed | 1992 | Le ricchezze del mare | Nuova ERI Edizioni RAI, Torino (in Italian) 156 pp. | |
25 | Focardi S., Marsili L., Leonzio C., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1992 | Organochlorines and trace elements in skin biopsies of fin whale Balaenoptera physalus and striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba | European Research on Cetaceans 6:230-233. | |
26 | Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Jahoda M | 1992 | Photo-identification and behavioural observations of fin whales summering in the Ligurian Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 6:86-89. | |
27 | Acquarone M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1992 | Pigmentation patterns of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, (Meyen, 1833) in the Central Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 6:203-205. | |
28 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1992 | Preliminary observations of bottlenose dolphins near the Island of Tavolara, Sardinia | European Research on Cetaceans 6:127-129. | |
29 | Cagnolaro L., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1992 | Research activities and conservation status of cetaceans in Italy | Bollettino del Museo dell’Istituto di Biologia, Genova 56-57:53-85. | |
30 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Leonzio C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M | 1992 | The use of non-destructive biomarker in Mediterranean cetaceans: preliminary data on MFO activity in skin biopsy | Marine Pollution Bulletin 24(9):459-461. | |
31 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Ausenda F., Orsi Relini L., Relini G | 1992 | Una proposta di gestione dell’ambiente pelagico: la Riserva della Biosfera nel Bacino corso-ligure provenzale | Atti XXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, Cagliari, Santa Margherita di Pula, 20-24 May 1991 Oebalia, Supplemento 17:517-521. | |
32 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Venturino M.C., Zanardelli M., Bearzi G., Borsani J.F., Cavalloni B | 1993 | Cetaceans in the central Mediterranean Sea: distribution and sighting frequencies | Italian Journal of Zoology 60:131-138. | |
33 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G | 1993 | Cetaceans in the northern Adriatic Sea: past, present and future | Proceedings of the 4th Congress of Croatian Biologists Croatian Biological Society, ZagrebPp 86-87. | |
34 | Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Benazzo G., Borsani J.F | 1993 | Fin whales in the Mediterranean Sea: resident or migratory? | 10th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Galveston, Texas, 11-15 November 1993. | |
35 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Jahoda M | 1993 | I cetacei del Mar Ligure. Guida all’identificazione delle specie del “Santuario” | Tethys Research Institute, Milano. | |
36 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1993 | I cetacei del Mediterraneo | Pp 39-52 in: XIX Seminario sulla evoluzione biologica e i grandi problemi della biologia: faune attuali e faune fossiliRoma, 26-28 febbraio 1992 Contributi del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare “Beniamino Segre”, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. | |
37 | Cafiero G., Jahoda M | 1993 | I giganti del mare: storia e storie di balene, orche e delfini | White Star, Vercelli, Italy (also published in English, German, French, Hungarian and Spanish) 144 pp. | |
38 | Giovanna Benazzo | 1993 | Photoidentification applied to the study of fin whale ecology in the Mediterranean Sea | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
39 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Forcada J., Acquarone M., Fabbri F | 1993 | Population estimates of fin whales and striped dolphins summering in the Corso-Ligurian Basin | European Research on Cetaceans 7:135-138. | |
40 | Jahoda M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1993 | Respiration patterns of fin whales summering in the Ligurian Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 7:237-240. | |
41 | Lafortuna C.L., Jahoda M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Saibene F | 1993 | Respiratory pattern in free-ranging striped dolphins | European Research on Cetaceans 7:241-246. | |
42 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Leonzio C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M., Focardi S | 1993 | Skin biopsies in cetaceans: a non-destructive method for biomarker studies | European Research on Cetaceans 7:279-282. | |
43 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E., Lauriano G | 1993 | Social ecology and behavior of bottlenose dolphins in the waters adjacent to the island of Losinj (Croatia) | 10th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Galveston, Texas, 12-15 November 1993. | |
44 | Watkins W.A., Daher M.A., Fristrup K.M., Howald T.J., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1993 | Sperm whales tagged with transponders and tracked underwater by sonar | Marine Mammal Science 9(1):55-67. | |
45 | Peharda M., Bearzi G | 1993 | Surfacing patterns of bottle-nosed dolphins in the Cres-Losinj area (Northern Adriatic Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 7:73-76. | |
46 | Melita Peharda | 1993 | Surfacing patterns of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821) in the Northern Adriatic Sea | Extended essay, International Baccalaureate School, Zagreb, Croatia. | |
47 | Politi E., Airoldi S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1994 | A preliminary study of the ecology of cetaceans in the waters adjacent to the Greek Ionian islands | European Research on Cetaceans 8:111-115. | |
48 | Di Natale A., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1994 | A review of the passive fishing nets and trap fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea and of the cetacean bycatch | Pp 189-202 in W.FPerrin, G.P Donovan and J Barlow, eds Gillnets and cetaceans Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue 15. | |
49 | Borsani J.F., Pavan G | 1994 | Acoustics and aspects of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) behavior and ecology in the Mediterranean Sea | Italian Journal of Zoology (Suppl 79) 61:79. | |
50 | Politi E | 1994 | Behavioural sampling | Pp 13-15 in GNotarbartolo di Sciara, P.G.H Evans and E Politi, eds Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphins in the wild European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 23. | |
51 | Bearzi G | 1994 | Behavioural states: terminology and definitions | Pp 9-12 in GNotarbartolo di Sciara, P.G.H Evans and E Politi, eds Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphins in the wild European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 23. | |
52 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1994 | Determination of group size | Pp 6-8 in GNotarbartolo di Sciara, P.G.H Evans and E. | |
53 | Bearzi G | 1994 | Dolphins of the Cres-Losinj Archipelago | An illustrated educational children’s booklet Published by the Tethys Research Institute and Europe Conservation in Croatian, Italian, German and French29 pp. | |
54 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E., Lauriano G | 1994 | Ecology and behaviour of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near the islands of Losinj and Cres (Croatia) | Pp 399-400 in the Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of Croatian Biologists, Pula, Croatia, 3-7 October 1994. | |
55 | Watkins W.A., Daher M.A., Fristrup K., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1994 | Fishing and acoustic behavior of Fraser’s dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) near Dominica, southeast Caribbean | Caribbean Journal of Science 30(1-2):76-82. | |
56 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Demma M | 1994 | Guida dei mammiferi marini del Mediterraneo | Franco Muzzio Editore, Padova 262 pp. | |
57 | Borsani J.F., Pavan G | 1994 | Il significato dello studio del comportamento acustico dei Cetacei per la loro conservazione | Biologia Marina Mediterranea 1(1):99-104. | |
58 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1994 | La cetofauna del bacino corso-liguro-provenzale: rassegna delle attuali conoscenze | Biologia Marina Mediterranea 1(1):95-98. | |
59 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Evans P.G.H., Politi E (eds.) | 1994 | Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphins in the wild | European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 23. | |
60 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G Holcer D., Bearzi G | 1994 | Past and present status of cetaceans in the northern and central Adriatic Sea | Proceedings of the 5th Congress of Croatian BiologistsCroatian Biological Society, Zagreb Pp 401-402. | |
61 | Bearzi G | 1994 | Photoidentification: Field methods | Pp 22-26 in GNotarbartolo di Sciara, P.G.H Evans and E Politi, eds Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphins in the wild European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 23. | |
62 | Bearzi G | 1994 | Photoidentification: Matching procedures | Pp 27-28 in GNotarbartolo di Sciara, P.G.H Evans and E Politi, eds Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphins in the wild European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 23. | |
63 | Cafiero G., Jahoda M | 1994 | Squali: gli dei del mare | White Star, Vercelli, Italy (also published in English, German, French, Hungarian and Spanish) 144 pp. | |
64 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1994 | The Mediterranean Sanctuary for the protection of cetaceans: a difficult transition from paper to reality | European Research on Cetaceans 8:18-21. | |
65 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1995 | A comparison of the present occurrence of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, and common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | Annales (Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies) 7:61-68. | |
66 | Mojca Kristan | 1995 | Cetacean studies in the Northern Adriatic: A case of the Tethys Research Institute | Extended essay, International Baccalaureate School, Maribor, Slovenia. | |
67 | Politi, E., Airoldi, S., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G | 1995 | Ionian Dolphin Project: a dolphin research and conservation programme in the Ionian Sea | Tethys Research Institute Technical Report TRI/IDP 95-01. | |
68 | Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M., Focardi S | 1995 | Organochlorine levels and mixed function oxidase activity in skin biopsy of Mediterranean cetaceans | 8th International Symposium on Environmental pollution and its impact on life in the Mediterranean Region (SCOTOX-MESAEP) Rhodos, October 1995. | |
69 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1995 | The Ligurian sea fin whales and the possible development of whale-watching: a two- edge sword | Pp 55-56 in MRiddell and M Aubert, eds Le bassin corso-liguro-provencal, une mer à protéger Actes de la 4eme Conference Internationale, RIMMO Antibes, 15-18 novembre 1995. | |
70 | Evanthia Karpouzli | 1996 | An assessment of the status of a bottlenose dolphin community (Tursiops truncatus) in the Southern Kvarneric Sea (Northern Adriatic) | M.Sc thesis, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. | |
71 | Caterina Maria Fortuna | 1996 | Analysis of respiration patterns of bottlenose dolphins observed in the Northern Adriatic Sea | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Florence, Italy. | |
72 | Tanja Bozic | 1996 | Dolphins species present in the Adriatic Sea | Baccalaureate essay, Rijeka, Croatia. | |
73 | Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M., Focardi S | 1996 | Organochlorine levels and mixed function oxidase activity in skin biopsy specimens from Mediterranean cetaceans | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 5(9/10):723-728. | |
74 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1996 | Photoidentification-based short-term tracking of bottlenose dolphins resident in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 9:132-138. | |
75 | Sylvan Oehen | 1996 | The acoustic behaviour of bottlenose dolphins in the Northern Adriatic Sea | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Zürich, Switzerland. | |
76 | Lauriano G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1996 | The distribution of cetaceans off northwestern Sardinia | European Research on Cetaceans 9:104-106. | |
77 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bérubé M., Zanardelli M., Panigada S | 1996 | The role of the Mediterranean in fin whale ecology: insight through genetics | European Research on Cetaceans 9:218-219. | |
78 | Jahoda M., Bearzi G | 1996 | Translation from English to Italian of the book Among whales by Roger Payne | La vita segreta delle balene Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano427 pp. | |
79 | Bearzi G | 1997 | A “remnant” common dolphin observed in association with bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 10:204. | |
80 | Wilson B., Arnold H., Bearzi G., Fortuna C., Gaspar R., Liret C., Pribanic S., Read A.J., Ridoux V., Urian K.W., Wells R.S., Wood C., Thompson P.M., Hammond P.S | 1997 | A comparison of epidermal disease in eight populations of bottlenose dolphins | European Research on Cetaceans 11:268. | |
81 | Nascetti D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1997 | A fin whale and sperm whale sighting programme undertaken by the Italian Navy in the Central Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 10:150-153. | |
82 | Oehen S., Bearzi G., Borsani J.F | 1997 | Acoustic behaviour of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 11:230. | |
83 | Sandra Pribanic | 1997 | Age determination of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) from the northern Adriatic Sea | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Zagreb, Croatia. | |
84 | Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1997 | Analisi dei modelli respiratori di tursiopi (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu, 1821) in Adriatico settentrionale | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
85 | Politi E | 1997 | Analysis of stomach contents of Prionace glauca in the northern and center Adriatic Sea | Quaderni della Civica Stazione Idrobiologica di Milano, 22:65-78. | |
86 | Jahoda M., Airoldi S., Azzellino A., Biassoni N., Borsani J.F., Cianfanelli L., Lauriano G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Vallini C., Zanardelli M | 1997 | Behavioural reactions to biopsy-darting on Mediterranean fin whales | European Research on Cetaceans 10:43-47. | |
87 | Pavan G., Borsani J.F | 1997 | Bioacoustic research on cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea | Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 30:99-123. | |
88 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Gordon J | 1997 | Bioacoustics: a tool for the conservation of Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea | Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 30:125-146. | |
89 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Barbaccia G., Azzellino A | 1997 | Birth at sea of a false killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens | Marine Mammal Science 13(3):508-511. | |
90 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1997 | Bottlenose dolphins following bottom trawlers in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 11:202-204. | |
91 | Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Mazzanti C | 1997 | Cetaceans found in the waters surrounding Lanzarote, Canary Islands | European Research on Cetaceans 10:107-112. | |
92 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1997 | Dalle prime ricerche alla Dichiarazione del Santuario: nascita di un’idea | Pp 19-30 in GVenturino, ed Operazione Pelagos Associazione Europea Rotary per l’Ambiente, Milano 153 p. | |
93 | Lauriano G | 1997 | Distribution of bottlenose dolphin around the island of Asinara (north-western Sardinia) | European Research on Cetaceans 11:153-155. | |
94 | Simone Panigada | 1997 | Distribution, relative abundance and activity patterns of striped dolphins in the northern Ligurian Sea, detected by means of acoustic and visual surveys | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
95 | Wilson B., Pribanic S., Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G | 1997 | Epidermal lesions on free-ranging bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric | European Research on Cetaceans 11:269. | |
96 | Cathy Bedworth | 1997 | Facing geographic extinction? A study of the potential threats to a bottlenose dolphin population in the Northern Adriatic Sea | M.Sc thesis, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. | |
97 | Nicoletta Biassoni | 1997 | Fin whale behavioural modifications induced by boat presence in the Mediterranean Sea | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
98 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1997 | Il comportamento diurno del tursiope nel Quarnerolo (Adriatico Settentrionale) | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
99 | Politi E., Airoldi S., Natoli A | 1997 | Ionian Dolphin Project: uno studio comparativo tra i delfini comuni e i tursiopi nelle acque costiere che circondano l’isola di Kalamos, Grecia ionica | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
100 | Jahoda M., Almirante C., Azzellino A., Biassoni N., Lafortuna C.L., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Zanardelli M | 1997 | La reazione delle balenottere comuni (Balaenoptera physalus) del Mar Ligure al disturbo causato dalla presenza di imbarcazioni, studiata mediante tracking passivo e monitoraggio della respirazione | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
101 | Lauriano G | 1997 | Preliminary observations of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) off north-western Sardinia | European Research on Cetaceans 11:122-124. | |
102 | Zanardelli M., Panigada S., Airoldi S., Borsani J.F., Jahoda M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1997 | Presenza stagionale e sex ratio di balenottera comune (Balaenoptera physalus) nell’area di alimentazione del Mar Ligure | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
103 | Panigada S., Borsani J.F., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M | 1997 | Presenza, distribuzione e modelli di attività di Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) in Mar Ligure occidentale, rilevati mediante survey acustico e visivo | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
104 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1997 | Problemi di conservazione degli elasmobranchi in Italia | Quaderni della Civica Stazione Idrobiologica di Milano 22:11-15. | |
105 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Jahoda M., Biassoni N., Lafortuna C | 1997 | Reactions of fin whales to approaching vessels assessed by means of a laser range finder | European Research on Cetaceans 10:38-42. | |
106 | Panigada S., Airoldi S., Azzellino A., Biassoni N., Borsani J.F., Cianfanelli L., Jahoda M., Lauriano G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Vallini C., Zanardelli M | 1997 | Reazioni comportamentali al prelievo di biopsie da parte della balenottere comuni (Balaenoptera physalus) in Mar Ligure | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
107 | Borsani J.F., Pavan G., Gordon J.C.D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1997 | Regional vocalisations of the sperm whale: Mediterranean codas | European Research on Cetaceans 10:78-81. | |
108 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E | 1997 | Social ecology of bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | Marine Mammal Science 13(4):650-668 | |
109 | Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G., Delfino G | 1997 | Surfacing pattern of bottlenose dolphins following bottom trawlers in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 10:244. | |
110 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Casini S., Savelli C., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Focardi S | 1997 | Utilizzo della biopsia cutanea come metodo non invasivo per lo studio ecotossicologico dei mammiferi marini | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
111 | Nani B., Airoldi S., Azzellino A., Ballardini M., Bastoni C., Notarbartolo-di-Sciara G, Sturlese A | 1997 | Whale-watching in Italia: dati raccolti durante i primi due anni di attività | III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997. | |
112 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E., Bayed A., Beaubrun P.C., Knowlton A | 1998 | A winter cetacean survey off Southern Morocco, with a special emphasis on suitable habitats for wintering right whales | Reports of the International Whaling Commission 48:547-550. | |
113 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1998 | Conservation research on cetaceans in the Mediterranean | Pp 39-46 in A.EBaldacchino, A Pizzuto and A Vella, eds Dolphins and other cetaceans: strandings and sightings Proceedings of the First National Workshop Marsascala, Malta, 28 November 1996. | |
114 | Peter C, MacKelworth | 1998 | Effects of recreational diving on marine habitats Implementing planning in a Marine Reserve to aid in reducing tourism impacts on the environment | M.Sc thesis, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. | |
115 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bianchi I | 1998 | Guida degli squali e delle razze del Mediterraneo | Franco Muzzio Editore, Padova 388 pp. | |
116 | Danijela Miokovic | 1998 | Hystological and toxicological analysis of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) tissues from the northern Adriatic Sea | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Zagreb, Croatia. | |
117 | James Taylor | 1998 | Impact of fisheries on the natural environment of Cres-Losinj Archipelago | M.Sc thesis, Heriot- Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. | |
118 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Clark C.W., Zanardelli M., Panigada S | 1998 | Migration patterns of fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus: shaky old paradigms and local anomalies | World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Monaco, France, 20-24 January 1998. | |
119 | Maria Trivourea | 1998 | Photoidentification as a method for studying the small cetacean Delphinus delphis in the Ionian Sea | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Athens, Greece. | |
120 | Berubé M., Aguilar A., Dendanto D., Larsen F., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Sears R., Sigurjònsson J., Urban-Ramirez J., Palsbøll P.J | 1998 | Population genetic structure of North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea and Sea of Cortez fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758): analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear loci | Molecular Ecology 7(5):585-599. | |
121 | Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M., Nani B., Panigada S., Focardi S | 1998 | Relationship between organochlorine contaminants and mixed-function oxidase activity in skin biopsy specimens of Mediterranean fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) | Chemosphere 37(8):1501-1510. | |
122 | Zanardelli M., Panigada S | 1998 | Research-training cruises on cetaceans in the Ionian Sea and in the waters of Tunisia and Malta: 1997-1998 | Meeting of Experts on the implementation of the Action Plans for marine mammals (monk seal and cetaceans) adopted within the Mediterranean Action Plan Arta, Greece, 29-31 October 1998. | |
123 | Zanardelli M., Panigada S., Airoldi S., Borsani J.F., Jahoda M., Lauriano G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1998 | Site fidelity, seasonal residence and sex ratio of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Ligurian Sea feeding grounds | World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Monaco, France, 20-24 January 1998. | |
124 | Vanja Svetina | 1998 | The status of the bottlenose dolphin population in Slovenian waters 2Distribution and abundance of bottlenose dolphins along the Istrian coast up to Pula (Croatia) | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. | |
125 | Politi E | 1998 | Un progetto per i delfini in Mediterraneo | Le Scienze 360:64-69. | |
126 | Politi, E., Airoldi, S., Natoli, A., Frantzis, A | 1998 | Unexpected prevalence of common dolphins over sympatric bottlenose dolphins in Eastern Ionia Sea inshore waters | Abstracts World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Monaco, 20-24 January 1998. | |
127 | Politi E., Airoldi A., Natoli A., Frantzis A | 1998 | Unexpected prevalence of common dolphins over sympatric bottlenose dolphins in eastern Ionian Sea inshore waters | European Research on Cetaceans 12:120. | |
128 | Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1998 | Unusual sighting of a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Kvarneric, Northern Adriatic Sea | Natura Croatica 7(3):169-278. | |
129 | Jahoda M., Almirante C., Azzellino A., Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Canese S | 1999 | 3D tracking as a tool for studying behavior in Mediterranean fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) | 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Maui, Hawaii, 28 November – 3 December 1999. | |
130 | Manghi M., Fossati C., Priano M., Pavan G., Borsani J.F., Bergamasco C | 1999 | Acoustic and visual methods in the Odontocetes survey: a comparison in the Central Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 12:251-253. | |
131 | Gaspari S., Airoldi S., Azzellino A., Fadda V | 1999 | Analisi preliminare sulle unità sociali e le associazioni individuali dei grampi (Grampus griseus) nel Mar Ligure occidentale | IV National Meeting on Cetaceans, Milano, Italy, 11-12 November 1999. | |
132 | Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1999 | Analysis of respiration patterns of bottlenose dolphins observed in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia) | European Research on Cetaceans 12:151-155. | |
133 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1999 | Apparent lack of seasonal patterns in the behaviour of bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 12:202. | |
134 | Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Neri G., Casini S., Bearzi G., Airoldi S., Panigada S | 1999 | Colture cellulari di fibroblasti da biopsie cutanee di cetacei de Mar Mediterraneo | IV National Meeting on Cetaceans, Milano, Italy, 11-12 November 1999. | |
135 | Ferretti S., Bearzi G., Politi E | 1999 | Comparing behaviour of inshore bottlenose and common dolphins in the eastern Ionian Sea through focal group surfacing pattern analysis | European Research on Cetaceans 12:209. | |
136 | Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Canese S., Jahoda M | 1999 | Deep diving performances of Mediterranean fin whales | 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Maui, Hawaii, 28 November – 3 December 1999. | |
137 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1999 | Diurnal behavior of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | Marine Mammal Science 15(4):1065-1097. | |
138 | Wilson B., Arnold H., Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M., Gaspar R., Ingram S., Liret C., Pribanic S., Read A.J., Ridoux V., Schneider K., Urian K.W., Wells R.S., Wood C., Thompson P.M., Hammond P.S | 1999 | Epidermal diseases in bottlenose dolphins: Impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors | Proceedings Royal Society London 266:1077-1083. | |
139 | Wilson B., Arnold H., Bearzi G., Fortuna C., Gaspar R., Ingram S., Liret C., Pribanic S., Read A.J., Ridoux V., Schneider K., Urian K.W., Wells R.S., Wood C., Thompson P.M., Hammond P.S | 1999 | Epidermal lesions on bottlenose dolphins: a product of pollution or the natural environment? | European Research on Cetaceans 12:123. | |
140 | Biassoni N., Jahoda M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Lafortuna C | 1999 | Fin whale reactions to research vessels, assessed by the use of laser range-finding binoculars and respiration monitoring | European Research on Cetaceans 12:126-130. | |
141 | Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Canese S., Jahoda M | 1999 | Fin whales tracked with Velocity-Time-Depth-Recorder radio tags in the western Mediterranean Sea | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Annual Science Conference Stockholm, Sweden, 27 September – 2 October 1999. | |
142 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Neri G., Casini S., Panigada S | 1999 | From perception to prediction of ecotoxicological risk to marine mammals | 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Maui, Hawaii, 28 November – 3 December 1999. | |
143 | Bérubé M., Aguilar A., Dendanto D., Larsen F., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Sears R., Sigurjonsson J., Urban-Ramirez J., Palsboll P.J | 1999 | Genetic analysis of the north Atlantic fin whale: insights into migration patterns | European Research on Cetaceans 12:318. | |
144 | Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Canese S., Jahoda M | 1999 | How deep can baleen whales dive? | Marine Ecology Progress Series 187:309-311. | |
145 | Lafortuna C.L., Jahoda M., Biassoni N., Almirante C., Azzellino A., Zanardelli M., Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Saibene F | 1999 | Locomotor behaviour and respiratory pattern in Mediterranean fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) tracked in their summer feeding ground | European Research on Cetaceans 12:156-160. | |
146 | Borsani J.F., Hayes S.A., Molinari A., Costa D | 1999 | Multiple sperm whales tracked by combining a towed dipole hydrophone and free-drifting spar-buoy arrays | European Research on Cetaceans 12:372. | |
147 | Fadda V., Airoldi S | 1999 | Nota sulla permanenza dei graffi sulla pinna dorsale del grampo | IV National Meeting on Cetaceans, Milano, Italy, 11-12 November 1999. | |
148 | Nani B., Ballardini M., Airoldi S., Azzellino A., Sturlese A | 1999 | Note sulla distribuzione dello zifio (Ziphius cavirostris) nel Mar Ligure occidentale | IV National Meeting on Cetaceans, Milano, Italy, 11-12 November 1999. | |
149 | Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Gaspari S., Fadda V., Nani B., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1999 | Prime considerazioni sulla distribuzione del grampo (Grampus griseus) nella fascia costiera e di scarpata del Mar Ligure occidentale | IV National Meeting on Cetaceans, Milano, Italy, 11-12 November 1999. | |
150 | Sabrina Ferretti | 1999 | Respiration pattern and behaviour of common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins in the Eastern Ionian Sea | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
151 | Marsili L1, Fossi MC, Neri G, Casini S, Gardi C, Palmeri S, Tarquini E, Panigada S. | 1999 | Skin biopsies for cell cultures from free-ranging cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea | 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC- Europe Leipzig, Germany, 25-29 May 1999. | |
152 | Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Neri G., Casini S., Bearzi G., Politi E., Zanardelli M., Panigada S | 1999 | Skin biopsies for cell cultures from Mediterranean free-ranging cetaceans | PRIMO 10, Williamsburg, VA, 25-29 April 1999. | |
153 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Casini S., Savelli C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M., Lorenzani J., Castello H., Junin M., Focardi S | 1999 | Skin biopsy as a nondestructive tool for the toxicological assessment of marine mammal populations | European Research on Cetaceans 12:362-367. | |
154 | Airoldi S., Fadda V., Azzellino A., Gaspari S., Nani B., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 1999 | Socio-ecologia del grampo nel Mar Ligure occidentale | IV National Meeting on Cetaceans, Milano, Italy, 11-12 November 1999. | |
155 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Neri G., Casini S., Bearzi G., Politi E., Zanardelli M., Panigada S | 1999 | Use of Mediterranean cetaceans skin biopsies in the investigation of interspecies susceptibility to xenobiotic contaminants | PRIMO 10, Williamsburg, VA, 25-29 April 1999. | |
156 | Airoldi S., Azzellino A., Nani B., Ballardini M., Bastoni C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Sturlese A | 1999 | Whale watching in Italy: results of the first three years of activity | European Research on Cetaceans 13:153-156. | |
157 | Fadda V., Airoldi S | 2000 | A note on the persistence of dorsal fin scars on Risso’s dolphins photo-identified in the Ligurian Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 14:323. | |
158 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Fortuna C.M., Mel L., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2000 | An overview of cetacean sighting data from the northern Adriatic Sea: 1987-1999 | European Research on Cetaceans 14:356-361. | |
159 | Gaspari S., Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Hoelzel A.R | 2000 | Association patterns of Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) in the north-west Mediterranean | European Research on Cetaceans 14:138. | |
160 | Barbieri G., Bearzi G | 2000 | Behaviour of a solitary, “sociable” bottlenose dolphin in southern Italy | European Research on Cetaceans 14:107-109. | |
161 | Michela Giusti | 2000 | Characterization of the vocal repertory of the Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) and its functional implications | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
162 | Gordon J.C.D., Matthews J.N., Panigada S., Gannier A., Borsani J.F., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2000 | Distribution and relative abundance of striped dolphins, and distribution of sperm whales in the Ligurian Sea cetacean sanctuary: results from a collaboration using acoustic monitoring techniques | Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2(1):27-36. | |
163 | Politi E., Bearzi G., Airoldi S | 2000 | Evidence for malnutrition in bottlenose dolphins photo-identified in the eastern Ionian Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 14:234-236. | |
164 | Pesante G., Zanardelli M., Panigada S | 2000 | Evidence of man-made injuries on Mediterranean fin whales | European Research on Cetaceans 14:192-193. | |
165 | Bearzi G | 2000 | First report of a common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) death following penetration of a biopsy dart | Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2(3):217-221. | |
166 | Fortuna C.M., Wilson B., Wiemann A., Riva L., Gaspari S., Matesic M., Oehen S., Pribanic S | 2000 | How many dolphins are we studying and is our study area big enough? | European Research on Cetaceans 14:370-373. | |
167 | Bearzi G | 2000 | I nostri amici delfini | An illustrated educational children’s book Published by the Tethys Research Institute32 pp. | |
168 | Nina Therkildssen | 2000 | Immediate behavioural reactions of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) to remote biopsy sampling in the eastern Ionian Sea | Extended Essay – Biology, International Baccalaureate School, Norway. | |
169 | Bearzi G., Ferretti S | 2000 | Rare report of a bottlenose dolphin foraging in the Venice Lagoon, Italy | European Research on Cetaceans 14:110-114. | |
170 | Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Neri G., Airoldi S., Bearzi G., Panigada S | 2000 | Skin biopsies for cell cultures from Mediterranean free-ranging cetaceans | European Research on Cetaceans 14:231-233. | |
171 | Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Neri G., Casini S., Gardi C., Palmeri S., Tarquini E., Panigada S | 2000 | Skin biopsy of for cell cultures from Mediterranean free-ranging cetaceans | Marine Environmental Research 50:523-526. | |
172 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Neri G., Casini S., Bearzi G., Politi E., Zanardelli M., Panigada S | 2000 | Skin biopsy of Mediterranean cetaceans for the investigation of interspecies susceptibility to xenobiotic contaminants | Marine Environmental Research 50:517-521. | |
173 | Airoldi S., Azzellino A., Fadda V., Gaspari S., Nani B., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Mariani M | 2000 | Social ecology of Risso’s dolphins in the Ligurian Sea: preliminary results | European Research on Cetaceans 14:213-217. | |
174 | Eletta Revelli | 2000 | Telemetry applied to the study of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the western Mediterranean Sea | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
175 | Francesco Ricciardi | 2000 | The behaviour of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) studied by means of combined telemetry and passive-tracking methods | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
176 | Enrico Cabras | 2000 | The feeding behaviour of two dolphin species in the eastern Ionian Sea used as environmental indicator | Degree in Environmental Sciences thesis, University of Venice, Italy. | |
177 | Chiara Fumagalli | 2001 | Distribution, relative abundance and social ecology of cetaceans in the western Ligurian Sea | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
178 | Marsili L., Caruso A., Fossi M.C., Zanardelli M., Politi E., Focardi S | 2001 | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in subcutaneous biopsies of Mediterranean cetaceans | Chemosphere 44(2):147-154. | |
179 | Politi, E | 2001 | Should I stay or should I go? Boinski, S | & Garber, P.A (eds.) 2000On the move: how and why animals travel in groups The University of Chicago Press, Chicago Xi+811 pp Journal of Biogeography, 28:283-284. | |
180 | Sebastiano Bruno | 2001 | The photo-identification method applied to the study of common dolphins in the eastern Ionian Sea | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Padova, Italy. | |
181 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Casini S., Savelli C., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Focardi S | 2001 | Utilizzo della biopsia cutanea come metodo non invasivo per lo studio ecotossicologico dei mammiferi Marini | Pp 35-45 in MBorri, L Cagnolaro, M Podestà and T Renieri, eds Atti del Convegno Nazionale sui Cetacei Natura, Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale e Acquario Civico, Milano 90(2). | |
182 | Bearzi G | 2001 | What threatens coastal dolphin populations in the Mediterranean Sea? Insight from interdisciplinary research in key areas | Proceedings of Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation Annual meeting 10 ppWhite Point, Nova Scotia, Canada, 30 May – 2 June 2000. | |
183 | Mo G., Agnesi S., Arcangeli A., Di Nora T., Fortuna C.M., Sulis G., Tunesi L. | 2002 | A multidisciplinary conservation approach involving marine mammals in the MPA of Capo Carbonara (Italy) | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
184 | Patrizia Patti | 2002 | Aspects of the ecology of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Ligurian Sea Sanctuary | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Genova, Italy. | |
185 | Chiara Properzi | 2002 | Behavioural reactions of Balaenoptera physalus and Stenella coeruleoalba to remote biopsy sampling and application of velocity-time-depth-recorders (V-TDR) | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Firenze, Italy. | |
186 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G | 2002 | Cetacean direct killing and living capture in the Mediterranean Sea | Pp 27-30 in GNotarbartolo di Sciara, ed Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas: State of Knowledge and conservation strategies 219 pp. | |
187 | Pesante G., Panigada S., Zanardelli M (eds.) | 2002 | Collisions between cetaceans and vessels: can we find solutions? | European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 40. | |
188 | Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2002 | Conservation issues concerning Mediterranean fin whales | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
189 | Fortuna C.M., Hammond P.S | 2002 | Distribution and habitat use of bottlenose dolphins of Kvarneric, Croatia: identification of critical habitats | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
190 | Revelli E., Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Azzellino A., Canese S | 2002 | Diving behaviour of Mediterranean fin whales using Velocity-Time Depth Recorders | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
191 | Simone Panigada | 2002 | Ecology of the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Mediterranean Sea | Ph.D thesis, University of Siena, Italy. | |
192 | Barale V., Panigada S., Zanardelli, M | 2002 | Habitat preferences of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: a comparison between in situ and remote sensing data | Proceedings of the 7th Thematic Conference ‘Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments’, Miami, FL, 20-22 May 2002 (published on on CD-ROM by Veridian, Ann Arbor, MI). | |
193 | Bearzi G | 2002 | Interactions between cetaceans and fisheries: Mediterranean Sea | In G Notarbartolo di Sciara, ed, Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas: State of Knowledge and conservation strategies Pp 78-97 in G Notarbartolo di Sciara, ed Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas: State of Knowledge and conservation strategies. | |
194 | Miragliuolo A., Mussi B., Bearzi G | 2002 | Observations of driftnetting off the island of Ischia, Italy, with indirect evidence of dolphin bycatch | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
195 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Aguilar A., Bearzi G., Birkun A., Frantzis A | 2002 | Overview of known or presumed impact on the different species of cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas | Pp 194-196 in GNotarbartolo di Sciara, ed Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas: State of Knowledge and conservation strategies 219 pp. | |
196 | Gaspari S., Hoelzel A.R., Azzellino A | 2002 | Patterns of population subdivision, genetic variability and groups kin structure of Mediterranean striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
197 | Francesco Quondam | 2002 | Photoidentification-based monitoring of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the eastern Ionian Sea | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Trieste, Italy. | |
198 | Federico Bendinoni | 2002 | Photoidentification-based population estimate of Balaenoptera physalus in the western Ligurian Sea | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
199 | Azzellino A., Borsani J.F., Carron M., D’Amico A., Demer D., McGehee D | 2002 | Preliminary development of logistic models to predict habitat use of cetacean species as function of the environmental context in the Ligurian Sea Sanctuary (Solmar – Sirena ’99 and ’00 campaigns) | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
200 | Pesante G., Collet A., Dhermain F., Frantzis A., Panigada S., Podestà M., Zanardelli M | 2002 | Review of collisions in the Mediterranean Sea | Pp 5-12 in GPesante, S Panigada and M Zanardelli, eds Collisions between cetaceans and vessels: can we find solutions? European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 40. | |
201 | Zanardelli M., Panigada S., Bearzi G | 2002 | Short-beaked common dolphin and common bottlenose dolphin sightings along the Tunisian coasts and in the Sicily Channel | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
202 | Bearzi G., Mussi B., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2002 | Short-beaked common dolphins around Ischia, Italy, and Kalamos, Greece: relict population units of primary conservation importance in the Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
203 | Mussi B., Miragliuolo A., Bearzi G | 2002 | Short-beaked common dolphins around the island of Ischia, Italy (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 16. | |
204 | Daniela Pavan | 2002 | The role of whale watching in marine conservation | Degree in Environmental Sciences thesis University of Venice, Italy. | |
205 | Bearzi G | 2003 | At home with the dolphins | Pp 104-109 in TFrohoff and B Peterson, eds Between Species: Celebrating the Dolphin-Human Bond Sierra Club Books, San Francisco. | |
206 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2003 | Cetacean prey depletion in the ACCOBAMS Area | Document presented at the 2nd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee 7 ppIstanbul, Turkey, 20-22 November 2003. | |
207 | Daria Tonini | 2003 | Cetaceans of the Gulf of Venice: Conservation status and monitoring methods | Degree in Environmental Sciences thesis, University of Venice, Italy. | |
208 | Frantzis A., Alexiadou P., Paximadis G., Politi E., Gannier A., Corsini-Foka M | 2003 | Current knowledge on the cetacean fauna of the Greek Seas | The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 5(3):219-232. | |
209 | Azzellino A., Carron M., D’Amico A., Misic C., Podestà M., Portunato N., Stoner R | 2003 | Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) habitat use and distribution in the Genoa canyon area (Sirena ’02) | European Research on Cetaceans 17. | |
210 | Panigada S., Pesante G., Oehen S., Zanardelli M | 2003 | Day and night-time behaviour of fin whale in the Western Ligurian Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 17. | |
211 | Panigada S., Pesante G., Zanardelli M., Oehen S | 2003 | Day and night-time behaviour of fin whales in the Western Ligurian Sea | Pp 466-471 in: Proceedings of the Conference Oceans 2003, San Diego, California, 22-26 September 2003. | |
212 | Bearzi G | 2003 | Delfini costieri del Mediterraneo: le possibili ragioni di un declino | 4th Italian Teriological Conference Riccione, Italy, 6-8 November 2003. | |
213 | Bearzi G | 2003 | Delphinus delphis (Mediterranean subpopulation) | ||
214 | Airoldi S., Fasano D., Gavazzi N., Miragliuolo A., Mussi B., Mariani M | 2003 | Diving behaviour and reactions to tagging of long-finned pilot whales in the central Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 17. | |
215 | Bearzi G., Reeves R.R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E., Canadas A., Frantzis A., Mussi B | 2003 | Ecology, status and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the Mediterranean Sea | Mammal Review 33(3):224-252. | |
216 | Bendinoni F., Azzellino A., Panigada S., Zanardelli M | 2003 | Fin whale population estimates in the Western Ligurian Sea through mark-recapture methods applied to photo-identification Data | 15th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Greensboro, NC, 14-19 December 2003. | |
217 | D’Amico A., Quero M., Jahoda M., Bondaryk J., Mori C., Tyack P., Williams A., Panigada S., Miller P., Azzellino A | 2003 | Lessons learned during fin whale focal follow observations during Sirena 01 | Pp 22 in JGordon, D Thompson and P Tyack, eds The use of controlled exposure experiments to investigate the effects of noise on Marine Mammals: scientific, methodological, and pratical considerations European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 41. | |
218 | Lafortuna C.L., Jahoda M., Azzellino A., Saibene F., Colombini A | 2003 | Locomotor behaviours and respiratory pattern of the Meediterranean fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) | European Journal of Applied Physiology 90:387-395. | |
219 | Jahoda M., Lafortuna C.L., Biassoni N., Almirante C., Azzellino A., Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2003 | Mediterranean fin whale’s (Balaenoptera physalus) response to small vessels and biopsy sampling assessed through passive tracking and timing of respiration | Marine Mammal Science 19(1):96-110. | |
220 | Pesante G., Politi E., Bearzi G | 2003 | Opportunistic sightings of Mediterranean monk seals in the eastern Ionian Sea (1993-2002) | European Research on Cetaceans 17. | |
221 | Natoli A., Aguilar A., Lopez-Fernandez A., Birkun A., Hoelzel A.R | 2003 | Phylogeography of the Mediterranean, Black Sea and East North Atlantic bottlenose dolphin populations | European Research on Cetaceans 17. | |
222 | Impetuoso A., Fortuna C.M., Wiemann A., Antollovich W., Holcer D | 2003 | Presence and distribution of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Archipelago of Kornati National Park (Croatia) | European Research on Cetaceans 17. | |
223 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Cañadas A | 2003 | Proposal for a cooperative effort between ACCOBAMS and the European Cetacean Society on the concerted promotion of cetacean photo-identification activities and training | Document presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS, Istanbul, 20-22 November 2003. | |
224 | Patti P., Azzellino A., Airoldi S | 2003 | Sperm whale distribution and habitat use in the western Ligurian Sea: first insight | European Research on Cetaceans 17. | |
225 | Giovanni Bearzi | 2003 | Studies on the ecology and conservation status of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Mediterranean Sea | Ph.D dissertation, University of Basle, Switzerland. | |
226 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M., Jahoda M., Panigada S., Airoldi S | 2003 | The fin whale Balaenoptera physalus (L. 1758), in the Mediterranean Sea | Mammal Review 33(2):105-150. | |
227 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Neri G., Natoli A., Politi E., Panigada S | 2003 | The use of a non-lethal tool for evaluating toxicological hazard of organochlorine contaminants in Mediterranean cetaceans: new data 10 years after the first paper published in MPB | Marine Pollution Bulletin 46(8):972-982. | |
228 | Birkun A., Bearzi G., Glazov D., Goradze I., Komakhidze G., Krivokhizhin S., Shpak O | 2003 | Towards a Conservation Plan for Black Sea cetaceans | Document presented at the 2nd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee 9 ppIstanbul, Turkey, 20-22 November 2003. | |
229 | Bearzi G | 2003 | Towards a Conservation Plan for common bottlenose dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea | Document presented at the 2nd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee 20 ppIstanbul, Turkey, 20-22 November, 2003. | |
230 | Huele R., Evans P., Canadas A., Panigada S., Heijmans H., Pauwels E., Steenbeek A | 2003 | Unlocking European photo- collections by feature-based retrieval | European Research on Cetaceans 17. | |
231 | Bearzi G., Reeves R.R | 2003 | Where did the Mediterranean’s common dolphin go? | WDCS Magazine 28:16-17 | |
232 | Azzellino A., D’Amico A., McGehee D., Portunato N | 2004 | A preliminary investigation on cetacean habitat in the Ligurian Sanctuary (Sirena ’99) | European Research on Cetaceans 15:244-248. | |
233 | Roussel E., Beaubrun P., David L., Di Meglio N., Airoldi S., Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2004 | An application of the Poseidon Programme: preliminary comparison of fin whale and human activities summer distributions in the north-western Mediterranean | European Research on Cetaceans 15:201-203. | |
234 | Chiara Piroddi | 2004 | An ecosystem approach to the study of common bottlenose dolphins in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece | Degree in Environmental Sciences thesis, University of Venice, Italy. | |
235 | Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Neri G., Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2004 | Are the Mediterranean cetaceans exposed to the toxicological risk of endocrine disrupters? | European Research on Cetaceans 15:338. | |
236 | Bearzi G., Quondam F., Politi E | 2004 | Bottlenose dolphins foraging alongside fish farm cages in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters | European Research on Cetaceans 15:292-293. | |
237 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Costa M., Tonini D., Bastianini M | 2004 | Campagna di monitoraggio sui cetacei dell’Adriatico settentrionale | Poster presented at the “14ma Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica” Venice, Italy, 22-28 March 2004. | |
238 | Frantzis A., Alexiadou P., Politi E., Gannier A., Corsini-Foka M | 2004 | Cetacean fauna of the Greek Seas: unexpectedly high species diversity | European Research on Cetaceans 15:421-425. | |
239 | Bruno S., Bearzi G | 2004 | Cetacean research and conservation in Georgia: background information and suggested actions | A report to the ACCOBAMS Secretariat ACCOBAMS, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area22 pp. | |
240 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Reeves R.R., Canadas A., Frantzis A | 2004 | Conservation Plan for short-beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea | ACCOBAMS, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area 90 pp. | |
241 | Mo G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G., Cozzi B | 2004 | Conservation policies from a regional to a national approach: the formulation of the Italian Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans | European Research on Cetaceans 15:177. | |
242 | Palsboll P.J., Bérubé M., Aguilar A., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Nielsen R | 2004 | Discerning between recurrent gene flow and recent divergence under a finite-site mutation model applied to north Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) populations | Evolution 58(3):670-675. | |
243 | Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M., Airoldi S., Borsani J.F., Jahoda M., Pesante G., Revelli E | 2004 | Distribution and occurrence of fin whales in the Ligurian Sea between 1990-99 | European Research on Cetaceans 15:194. | |
244 | Panigada S., Zanardelli Panigada M., Hammond P | 2004 | Distribution of fin whales in the western Ligurian Sea in relation to physiographic variables | European Research on Cetaceans 18. | |
245 | Politi E., Bearzi G | 2004 | Evidence of decline for a coastal common dolphin community in the eastern Ionian Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 15:449-452. | |
246 | Panigada S | 2004 | Fin whales in the Mediterranean Sea: presence, distribution, diving behaviour and conservation issues | Míol Mór 2004 – International Whale Conference, Rosscarbery, Cork, Ireland 24-26 September 2004. | |
247 | Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli Panigada M., Hammond P | 2004 | Fin whales summering in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Mediterranean Sea): distribution, encounter rate, relation to physiographic variables and conservation issues | 4th National Conference on Sea Sciences, CoNISMa, Terrasini, Italy 18-22 October 2004. | |
248 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G., Canadas A., Frantzis A | 2004 | High mortality of sperm whales in the north- western Mediterranean, 1971-2003 | Paper submitted to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (SC/56/BC10) Sorrento, Italy, 29 June -10 July 20043 pp. | |
249 | Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2004 | Il Santuario Pelagos come strumento moderno di tutela per i cetacei del Mediterraneo | Conferenza Straordinaria sull’Ambiente, Porto Ferraio, Elba Island Italy, 28-29 October 2004. | |
250 | Bearzi G | 2004 | Investigating food-web interactions between Mediterranean cetaceans and fisheries in “natural laboratories” | CIESM Research Workshop “Understanding the Role of Cetaceans in the Marine Ecosystem” Venice, Italy, 28-31 January 2004. | |
251 | Bearzi G | 2004 | Investigating food-web interactions between Mediterranean coastal dolphins and fisheries in “natural laboratories” | CIESM Workshop Monographs 25:71-76. | |
252 | Bearzi G., Stergiou K.I | 2004 | Investigating shifts in the Mediterranean ecosystem: the case of short-beaked common dolphins and striped dolphins | Box CIESM Workshop Monographs 25:17. | |
253 | Mackelworth P.C., Fortuna C.M., Holcer D | 2004 | Is Croatia ready for its first marine reserve dedicated to the protection of cetaceans? | European Research on Cetaceans 15:235. | |
254 | Gaspari S., Airoldi S., Hoelzel A.R | 2004 | Molecular ecology of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 15:309-310. | |
255 | Picciulin M., Francese M., Fortuna C.M., Zucca P., Spoto M | 2004 | Monitoring the presence of cetaceans in the North Adriatic Sea: hypotheses of a resident population of bottlenose dolphin in the Gulf of Trieste/Grado Lagoon and a multidisciplinary approach to test it | European Research on Cetaceans 15:195-198. | |
256 | Jahoda M., Azzellino A., Lafortuna C.L., Notarbartolo Di Sciara G., Almirante C., Borsani J.F., D’Amico A., Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Bearzi G | 2004 | Passive tracking and timing of respiration as a methodology to determine reactions of Mediterranean fin whales in response to different sources of possible disturbance | European Research on Cetaceans 15:355-357. | |
257 | Natoli A., Canadas A., Vaquero C., Politi E., Fernandez-Piqueras J., Hoelzel A.R | 2004 | Phylogeography of Mediterranean and North Atlantic common dolphin populations | European Research on Cetaceans 15:315. | |
258 | Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Gaspari S., Patti P., Sturlese A | 2004 | Physical habitat of cetaceans along the continental slope of the western Ligurian Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 15:239-243. | |
259 | Miragliuolo A., Mussi B., Bearzi G | 2004 | Risso’s dolphin harassment by pleasure boaters off the island of Ischia, central Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 15:168-171. | |
260 | Agazzi S., Bearzi G., Politi E | 2004 | Short-beaked common dolphin prey species in the eastern Ionian Sea: insight from fish scales sampled during surface foraging | European Research on Cetaceans 15:351-353. | |
261 | Stefania Gaspari | 2004 | Social and population structure of striped and Risso’s dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea | Ph.D thesis, University of Durham, U.K. | |
262 | Bruno S., Politi E., Bearzi G | 2004 | Social organisation of a common dolphin community in the eastern Ionian Sea: evidence of a fluid fission-fusion society | European Research on Cetaceans 15:49-51. | |
263 | Ricciardi F., Jahoda M., Azzellino A., Almirante C | 2004 | The definition of behavioural categories in Mediterranean fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) on the basis of swimming-surfacing parameters | European Research on Cetaceans 15:88-91. | |
264 | Erica Busatto | 2004 | The method of photo-identification as a tool for the study of coastal Mediterranean dolphins | Degree in Marine Biology thesis, University of Padua, Italy. | |
265 | Bearzi G., Holcer D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2004 | The role of historical dolphin takes and habitat degradation in shaping the present status of northern Adriatic cetaceans | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 14:363-379. | |
266 | Bearzi G | 2005 | A strategy for the conservation of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Mediterranean Sea | 3rd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Cairo, Egypt, 15-17 May, 20058 pp. | |
267 | Airoldi S., Bendinoni F., Azzellino A., Fadda V., Profice A | 2005 | Abundance estimate of Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) in the western Ligurian Sea through photographic mark-recapture | European Research on Cetaceans 19 (distributed as CD-ROM). | |
268 | Bearzi G | 2005 | Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in Libya | Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), Tunis 51 pp. | |
269 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S | 2005 | Addressing the issue of cetacean mortality deriving from collisions with vessels in the ACCOBAMS area | Document presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS, Istanbul, 20-22 November 2003. | |
270 | Panigada S., Pesante G., Zanardelli M., Capoulade F | 2005 | Are Mediterranean fin whales threatened by ship strikes? . | In: Abstracts of the 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego CA, USA, 12-16 December 2005 | |
271 | Bearzi G | 2005 | Assessing and mitigating the impact of prey depletion on cetaceans: can we find a way forward? 3rd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee | Cairo, Egypt, 15-17 May, 2005 3 pp. | |
272 | Bearzi G | 2005 | Conservation Plan for short-beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranea Sea | Fins 1(2):7-8. | |
273 | Jahoda M., Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Francia C | 2005 | Definition of behavioural categories in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Ligurian Sea Sanctuary in the presence of boats | European Research on Cetaceans 19 (distributed as CD-ROM). | |
274 | Agazzi S., Bearzi G | 2005 | Diet overlap between short-beaked common dolphins and large tuna in eastern Ionian Sea inshore waters: insight from scales of fish prey sampled during surface foraging | European Research on Cetaceans 19 (distributed as CD-ROM). | |
275 | Bearzi G., Bruno S., Politi E., Costa M., Gramolini R., Pierantonio N., Bastianini M | 2005 | Distribuzione del tursiope in Adriatico settentrionale in rapporto alle caratteristiche geografiche e batimetriche del bacino: primi risultati | 36th Conference of the Italian Society for Marine Biology (SIBM), Trieste, Italy, 9-13 May 2005. | |
276 | Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Bonizzoni S., Costa M | 2005 | Ecosystem structure and dolphin-fisheries interactions in a “natural laboratory”: the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece | Report to the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) on the activities conducted between July 2001 – November 2005 (MOU #17/RAC/SPA/2005) Tethys Research Institute23 pp. | |
277 | Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli Panigada M., Airoldi S., Borsani J.F., Jahoda M | 2005 | Fin whales summering in the Ligurian Sea: distribution, encounter rate, mean group size and relation to physiographic variables | Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 7(2):137-145. | |
278 | Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli Panigada M., Airoldi S., Borsani J.F., Jahoda M | 2005 | Fin whales summering in the Ligurian Sea: distribution, encounter rate, mean group size and relation to physiographic variables | In: Abstracts of the Joint ACCOBAMS/PELAGOS Workshops on Fin Whale and Collisions, Monaco, 12-15 November 2005. | |
279 | Bearzi G., Costa M., Photopoulos T | 2005 | High human-related mortality of dolphins in the area of Kalamos, western Greece | A report to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS) Tethys Research Institute, August 23rd, 2005. | |
280 | Nicola Bonel | 2005 | Management of whale watching in two Mediterranean areas: the Cetacean Sanctuary (Ligurian Sea) and the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea) | Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy. | |
281 | Bendinoni F., Panigada S., Zanardelli M | 2005 | Mark-recapture techniques applied to the fin whale in the Western Ligurian Sea: absolute abundance abd survival retaes as conservation tools | In: Abstracts of the Joint ACCOBAMS/PELAGOS Workshops on Fin Whale and Collisions, Monaco, 12-15 November 2005. | |
282 | Panigada S., Pesante G., Zanardelli M., Capoulade F., Gannier A., Weinrich M | 2005 | Mortality of Mediterranean fin whales from ship collisions: an assessment of population risk | In: Abstracts of the Joint ACCOBAMS/PELAGOS Workshops on Fin Whale and Collisions, Monaco, 12-15 November 2005. | |
283 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Bruno S., Costa M., Bonizzoni S | 2005 | Occurrence and present status of coastal dolphins (Delphinus delphis and Tursiops truncatus) in the eastern Ionian Sea | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15:243-257. | |
284 | Jahoda, M, Lafortuna, C., Lanfredi, C., Azzellino, A., Biassoni, N., Panigada, S., Zanardelli, M., and Notarbartolo di Sciara, G | 2005 | Passive tracking technique employed on fin whales to evaluate the adequacy of guidelines used during whale watching in the ligurian sea sanctuary | In: Abstracts of the Joint ACCOBAMS/PELAGOS Workshops on Fin Whale and Collisions, Monaco, 12-15 November 2005. | |
285 | Gaspari S., Airoldi S., Hoelzel A.R | 2005 | Patterns of population structure of Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) | European Research on Cetaceans 19 (distributed as CD-ROM). | |
286 | Bearzi G., Costa M | 2005 | Population status of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the central Mediterranean: insight from studies in the northern Adriatic and eastern Ionian Seas | Workshop “How can science best inform managers: the role of field studies in the conservation management of European bottlenose dolphin populations”, 19th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society La Rochelle, France, 7 April 2005. | |
287 | Aguilar A., Bearzi G., Birkun A Jr., Canadas A., Donovan G., Frantzis A., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Reeves R.R | 2005 | Proposal for a block Red List assessment of cetaceans in the ACCOBAMS Area | 3rd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific CommitteeCairo, Egypt, 15-17 May, 2005 3 pp. | |
288 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Azzellino A., Bruno S., Gramolini R | 2005 | Report on short- beaked common dolphin studies in the area of Kalamos, Greece, 1993-2004 | ACCOBAMS, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area 100 pp. | |
289 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G | 2005 | Research on cetaceans in Italy | In B Cozzi, edMarine mammals of the Mediterranean Sea: natural history, biology, anatomy, pathology, parasitology Massimo Valdina Editore, Milano. | |
290 | Huele R., Pauwels E., Davis P., Evans P., Cañadas A., De Stephanie R., Freitas L., Martel V.M., Villalba N., Lopez A., Panigada S., Gannier A., Simila T., Kingsley M., Liret C., Gordon J., Rogan E., Steiner L | 2005 | Results of the Europhlukes project | European Research on Cetaceans 19 (distributed as CD-ROM). | |
291 | Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bonizzoni S | 2005 | Scientific literature on Mediterranean cetaceans: the Italian contribution | In B Cozzi, edMarine mammals of the Mediterranean Sea: natural history, biology, anatomy, pathology, parasitology Massimo Valdina Editore, Milano. | |
292 | Azzellino A., Fasano D., Airoldi S., Patti P | 2005 | Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) distribution in the Western Ligurian sea: does a correlation exist with sea surface temperature? | European Research on Cetaceans 19 (distributed as CD-ROM). | |
293 | Azzellino A., Fasano D., Airoldi S., Patti P | 2005 | Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) distribution in the Western Ligurian sea: does a correlation exist with sea surface temperature? | In: Abstracts of the 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego CA, USA, 12-16 December 2005. | |
294 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Bruno S., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J | 2005 | The decline of short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis in Eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters | P 29 in KStockin, A Vella and P.G.H Evans Proceedings of the Workshop “Common dolphins: current research, threats and issues” European Cetacean Society Newsletter Special Issue 45. | |
295 | Evans P.G.H., Beekman B., Cañadas A., Davis P., Gordon J.C.D., Huele R., Panigada S., Pauwels E., Ranguelova E., Steenbeek A., Steiner L., Thijsse P | 2005 | The Europhlukes project – a European-wide photo-id catalogue | European Research on Cetaceans 19 (distributed as CD-ROM). | |
296 | Bearzi G., Reeves R.R | 2005 | Where did the Mediterranean’s common dolphin go? | Ecologia Mediterranea 30(2):111-112 | |
297 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Beaked whales belonging to the genus Mesoplodon | Pp 120-122 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
298 | Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M | 2006 | Common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Mediterranean subpopulation) | Pp 64-73 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
299 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) | Pp 92-95 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
300 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Azzellino A., Costa M., Pierantonio N., Bastianini M | 2006 | Distribuzione del tursiope in rapporto alle caratteristiche del bacino | Workshop intermedio progetto INTERREG III Italia-Slovenia per l’Adriatico Settentrionale 31 gennaio 2006ISMAR Venezia. | |
301 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Costa M., Azzellino A., Bastianini M | 2006 | Dolphins in the northern Adriatic Sea: historical data and present occurrence | Conference “Cetaceans, sea turtles and sharks of the Adriatic Sea”, 26– 28 October 2006, Cattolica, Italy. | |
302 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima) | Pp 118-119 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
303 | Bearzi G | 2006 | Endangered Mediterranean common dolphins: the story so far | Paper submitted to the 58th Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission, St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies, 23 May – 20 June 20063 pp. | |
304 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) | Pp 102-105 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
305 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S | 2006 | Fin whale Balaenoptera physalus (Mediterranean subpopulation) | Pp 11-15 in Reeves R.R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
306 | Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli Panigada M | 2006 | Fin whales summering in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Mediterranean Sea): Overview of studies on habitat use and diving behaviour | Chemistry and Ecology 22(Supplement 1):255-263. | |
307 | Annalise Petroselli | 2006 | Habitat use and distribution of short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis around the island of Kalamos, Greece (eastern Ionian Sea) | MSc in Marine Mammal Science, University of Bangor, Wales. | |
308 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), Mediterranean Sea (Northern Aegean Sea excepted) | Pp 123-124 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
309 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) | Pp 96-97 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
310 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | I cetacei | Pp 217-230 in MFraissinet and F Pedretti (eds.), Salvati dall’arca Alberto Perdisa Editore 663 pp. | |
311 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) | Pp 125-126 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
312 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Killer whale, Orca (Orcinus orca) | Pp 98-101 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
313 | Panigada, S., Podestà, M., Zanardelli, M., Moulins, A | 2006 | La balenottera comune e il rischio di collisione con imbarcazioni nel Santuario Pelagos | 5° Convegno nazionale per le Scienze del Mare (CoNISMa), Viareggio, 14-18 Novembre 2006. | |
314 | Panigada S., Pesante G., Zanardelli M., Capoulade F., Gannier A., Weinrich M.T | 2006 | Mediterranean fin whales at risk from fatal ship strikes | Marine Pollution Bulletin 52:1287-1298. | |
315 | Panigada, S., Zanardelli, M., MacKenzie, M., Donovan, C., Mélin, F., Hammond, P.S | 2006 | Modelling habitat preferences for fin whales and striped dolphins in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Western Mediterranean Sea) | European Research on Cetaceans, 20. | |
316 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) | Pp 113-114 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
317 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus) | Pp 115-117 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
318 | Holcer D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Fortuna C.M., Lazar B., Onofri V | 2006 | Occurrence of Cuvier’s beaked whales in the southern Adriatic Sea: evidence of an important Mediterranean habitat | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87:359-372. | |
319 | Bearzi G | 2006 | Preliminary report on the impact of fishing on common dolphins in the area of Kalamos, Greece (eastern Ionian Sea) | 4th Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Monaco, 5-8 November 200612 pp. | |
320 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Azzellino A | 2006 | Prey depletion caused by overfishing and the decline of marine megafauna in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters (central Mediterranean) | Biological Conservation 127(4):373-382. | |
321 | Bearzi G | 2006 | Priority Actions for the Conservation of Short-Beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea | 4th Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Monaco, 5-8 November 20069 pp. | |
322 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) | Pp 106-108 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
323 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | Sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) | Pp 110-112 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
324 | Bearzi G | 2006 | Short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis (Mediterranean subpopulation) | 2003 Assessment Pp130-136 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G (compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
325 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Frantzis A., Bearzi G., Reeves R.R | 2006 | Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus (Mediterranean subpopulation) | Pp 48-56 in Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G(compilers and editors) The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
326 | Chiara Brusegan | 2006 | The photo-identification method applied to the study of marine mammals | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
327 | Massimo Arrigoni | 2006 | The photo-identification method applied to the study of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) population in the western Ligurian Sea: a comparison between two methods | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
328 | Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2006 | The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea | IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Málaga, Spain 137 pp. | |
329 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Addink M., Baldwin R., Smeenk C | 2007 | A review of cetaceans from the Red Sea | 21st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain, 22-25 April 2007. | |
330 | Wright A.J., Aguilar Soto N., Baldwin A.L., Bateson M., Beale C.M., Clark C., Deak T., Edwards E.F., Fernández A., Godinho A., Hatch L., Kakuschke A., Lusseau D., Martineau D., Romero L.M., Weilgart L., Wintle B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Martin V | 2007 | Anthropogenic noise as a stressor in animals: a multidisciplinary perspective | International Journal of Comparative Psychology 20(2-3):250-273. | |
331 | Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Lanfredi C., Gaspari S | 2007 | Biological consequences of global warming: does sea surface temperature affect cetacean distribution in the western Ligurian Sea? | 21st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 22-25 April 2007, Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain. | |
332 | Airoldi S., Panigada S., Pierantonio N., Azzellino, A., Littardi V | 2007 | Cetacean Sanctuary Research | Pelagos sanctuary Report on the activities conducted between May – September 2007 in the western Ligurian SeaTethys Research Institute Report 52 pp. | |
333 | Bearzi G., Politi E., Azzellino A., Costa M., Bastianini M | 2007 | Delfini dell’Adriatico settentrionale: dati storici e presenza attuale | Conference “L’Alto Adriatico: il mare unisce i paesi che separa”, 12-13 April 2007, Venice, Italy. | |
334 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Agardy T., Abdulla A., Boero F., Douros W., Franzosini C., Greco S., Jeudy-de-Grissac A., Rais C., Serena F., Simard F., Tunesi L | 2007 | Developing ecological MPA networks in the Mediterranean | P 380 in Day J., Senior J., Monk S., Neal W(eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Marine Protected Areas Congress, 23-27 October 2005, IMPAC1, Geelong, Victoria, Australia 665 pp. | |
335 | Wright A.J., Aguilar Soto N., Baldwin A.L., Bateson M., Beale C.M., Clark C., Deak T., Edwards E.F., Fernández A., Godinho A., Hatch L., Kakuschke A., Lusseau D., Martineau D., Romero L.M., Weilgart L., Wintle B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Martin V | 2007 | Do marine mammals experience stress related to anthropogenic noise? | International Journal of Comparative Psychology 20(2-3):274-316. | |
336 | Irene Crivellari | 2007 | Ecology and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the waters adjacent to the island of Kalamos (Ionian Greece) | Degree in Natural Sciences and Technologies, University of Padova, Italy o | |
337 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2007 | Guidelines for the establishment and management of marine protected areas for cetaceans | Document UNEP(DEPI)MED WG 308/8 Eighth Meeting of the Focal Points for SPAs, Palermo, 6-9 June 2007:1-29. | |
338 | Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M., Agazzi S., Bendinoni F., Costa M., Pesante G | 2007 | Habitat use and preferences of cetaceans in the Strait of Messina (Italy) through spatial modelling: implications for management | 21st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain, 22-25 April 2007. | |
339 | Caterina Lanfredi | 2007 | Impact of sound emissions in the marine environment: risk predictive models | Degree in Marine Biology thesis, University of Padova, Italy. | |
340 | Ilaria Sartori | 2007 | Le diverse fasi della foto-identificazione applicata al grampo (Grampus griseus) e limiti e vantaggi dell’utilizzo delle immagini digitali rispetto alle diapositive | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy. | |
341 | Jahoda M | 2007 | Le mie balene | Ugo Mursia Editore, Milano 152 pp. | |
342 | Gonzalvo J | 2007 | Marine conservation as a common goal: the benefits of communication between marine biologists and artisanal fishermen | Pp 15-16 In: DMaldini, D Meck Maher, D Troppoli, M Studer, J Goebel (Eds.), Translating scientific results into conservation actions: new roles, challenges and solutions for 21st Century scientists Earthwatch Institute, Maynard MA, USA. | |
343 | Bearzi G | 2007 | Marine conservation on paper | Conservation Biology 21(1):1-3. | |
344 | Enrico Pirotta | 2007 | Preliminary study on the reproductive success of Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) in the western Ligurian Sea by means the photo-identification method | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan. | |
345 | Gaspari S., Airoldi S., Hoelzel A.R | 2007 | Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) in UK waters are differentiated from a population in the Mediterranean Sea and genetically less diverse | Conservation Genetics 8(3):727-732. | |
346 | Bearzi G | 2007 | Science-based management of coastal dolphins in the eastern Ionian Sea | 8th Meeting of Focal Points for Specially Protected Areas (SPAs) Palermo, Italy, 6-9 June 2007. | |
347 | Bearzi G | 2007 | Science-based management of Mediterranean coastal dolphins | Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation Annual Meeting Morro Bay, California, 30 November – 4 December 2007. | |
348 | Gaspari S., Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Hoelzel A.R | 2007 | Social kin associations and genetic structuring of striped dolphin populations (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Mediterranean Sea | Molecular Ecology 16(14):2922-2933. | |
349 | Bearzi G. | 2007 | The endangered Mediterranean common dolphins: is there anyone interested in their conservation? | 3rd Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 22-25 October, 2007, 3 pp. | |
350 | Antonella Profice | 2007 | The method of photo-identification applied to the study of Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus, Cuvier, 1812) in the western Ligurian Sea. | Degree in Biological Sciences thesis, University of Milan, Italy.o | |
351 | Elisa Remonato | 2007 | The method of photo-identification applied to the study of Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus, Cuvier, 1812) in the western Ligurian Sea. | Degree in Natural Sciences thesis, University of Pavia, Italy. | |
352 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Agardy T., Hyrenbach D., Scovazzi T., Van Klaveren P | 2007 | The Pelagos sanctuary for Mediterranean marine mammals | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18:367-391. | |
353 | Agazzi S., Bearzi G., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Politi E | 2008 | Abundance trend of short-beaked common dolphins in the eastern Ionian Sea: one of the last central Mediterranean stocks is vanishing | Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2008. | |
354 | Gitter, S., Panigada, S., Airoldi, S., Thomas, J | 2008 | Acoustic repertoire of the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Ligurian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea) | In: Abstracts of the Second International Conference on Acoustic Communication by Animals, Corvallis, Oregon, 12-15 August 2008. | |
355 | Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G | 2008 | Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in Syria | Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas Contract 39/2007_RAC/SPA 45 pp. | |
356 | Chiara Piroddi | 2008 | An ecosystem-based approach to study two dolphin populations around the island of Kalamos, Ionian Sea, Greece | MSc in Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada. | |
357 | Massimo Arrigoni | 2008 | Approccio demografico allo studio della popolazione mediterranea di balenottera comune (Balaenoptera physalus L 1758) | Degree in Marine Biology, University of Pisa, Italy. | |
358 | Taylor B.L., Baird R., Barlow J., Dawson S.M., Ford J., Mead J.G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Wade P., Pitman R.L | 2008 | Berardius arnuxii (Arnoux’s Beaked Whale), Berardius bairdii (Baird’s Beaked Whale), Feresa attenuata (Pygmy Killer Whale), Globicephala macrorhynchus (Short-finned Pilot Whale), Globicephala melas (Long-finned Pilot Whale), Grampus griseus (Risso’s Dolphin), Hyperoodon ampullatus (North Atlantic Bottlenose Whale) Hyperoodon planifrons (Southern Bottlenose Whale) Indopacetus pacificus (Indo-pacific Beaked Whale), Kogia breviceps (Pygmy Sperm Whale), Kogia sima (Dwarf Sperm Whale), Mesoplodon bidens (Sowerby’s Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon bowdoini (Andrew’s Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon carlhubbsi (Hubbs’ Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon densirostris (Blainville’s Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon europaeus (Gervais’ Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon ginkgodens (Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon grayi (Gray’s Beaked Whale), Mesoplodon hectori (Hector’s Beaked Whale), Mesoplodon layardii (Strap-toothed Whale) Mesoplodon mirus (True’s Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon perrini (Perrin’s Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon peruvianus (Pygmy Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon stejnegeri (Stejneger’s Beaked Whale) Mesoplodon traversii (Spade-toothed Whale) Orcinus orca (Killer Whale), Peponocephala electra (Melon-headed Whale) Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale) Pseudorca crassidens (False Killer Whale), Tasmacetus shepherdi (Shepherd’s Beaked Whale), Ziphius cavirostris (Cuvier’s Beaked Whale) | In: IUCN 2009 IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesVersion 2009.2. | |
359 | Panigada S., Pavan G., Borg J.A., Galil B.S., Vallini C | 2008 | Biodiversity impacts of ship movement, noise, grounding and anchoring | Pp 9-56 in Abdulla A., Linden O(Eds) Maritime traffic effects on biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea: Review of impacts, priority areas and mitigation measures IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. | |
360 | Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Gaspari S., Lanfredi C | 2008 | Biological consequences of global warming: does sea surface temperature affect cetacean distribution in the Western Ligurian sea? | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88(6):1145–1152. | |
361 | Airoldi S., Panigada S., Pierantonio N., Pirotta E., Remonato E | 2008 | Cetacean Sanctuary | ||
362 | Pino d’Astore P., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S | 2008 | Cetacean strandings in the Province of Brindisi, Italy, southern Adriatic Sea | Annales, Series Historia Naturalis 18(1):29-38. | |
363 | Pavan G, Podesta’ M , Lanfredi C , Portunato N , Cividini F, Azzellino A , Zimmer WMX | 2008 | Combined Acoustic and Visual Survey in the Alboran Sea | Symposium on Monitoring Strategies for Marine Mammal Populations, November 21-23, 2008, La Rochelle, France | |
364 | Natoli A., Cañadas A., Vaquero C., Politi E., Fernandez-Navarro P., Hoelzel A.R | 2008 | Conservation genetics of the short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Mediterranean Sea and in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean | Conservation Genetics 9(6):1479-1487. | |
365 | Bearzi G | 2008 | Delfini e pesca in Mediterraneo: depredazione e interazioni trofiche in aree marine soggette a varie misure di tutela | Workshop ‘Pesca e gestione delle Aree Marine Protette’ Porto Cesareo (Lecce), Italy, 30-31 October 2008. | |
366 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Delphinus capensis (Long-beaked Common Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species | |
367 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Delphinus delphis (Short-beaked Common Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species | |
368 | Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Bonizzoni S., Costa M., Azzellino A | 2008 | Dolphins in a bottle: abundance, residency patterns and conservation of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the semi-closed eutrophic Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18(2):130-146. | |
369 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Evans P.G.H | 2008 | Fin whale Balaenoptera physalus | Pp 669-672 in SHarris and D.W Yalden (eds.), Mammals of the British Isles: Handbook, 4th edition The Mammal Society, 3 The Carronades, New Road, Southampton SO14 0AA, Great Britain 799 pp. | |
370 | Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Piroddi C | 2008 | Fisheries and the decline of short-beaked common dolphins in western Greece | Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2008. | |
371 | Panigada, S., Zanardelli, M., MacKenzie, M., Donovan, C., Mélin, F., Hammond, P.S | 2008 | Habitat modelling for large cetaceans | In “Proceedings of the ECS/ASCOBANS/ACCOBAMS workshop on “Selection Criteria for Marine Protected Areas for Cetaceans” ECS SPECIAL PUBLICATION SERIES NO48. | |
372 | Azzellino A., Gaspari S., Airoldi S., Nani B | 2008 | Habitat use and preferences of cetaceans along the continental slope and the adjacent pelagic waters in the western Ligurian Sea | Deep-Sea Research I, 55:296-323. | |
373 | Bearzi G., Azzellino A., Politi E., Costa M., Bastianini M | 2008 | Influence of seasonal forcing on habitat use by bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the northern Adriatic Sea | Ocean Science Journal 43(4):175-182. | |
374 | Evans P.G.H., Panigada S., Pierce G.J | 2008 | Integrating science and management for marine mammal conservation | Foreword Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88(6):1081-1083. | |
375 | Guidetti P., Milazzo M., Bussotti S., Molinari A., Murenu M., Pais A., Spanò N., Balzano R., Agardy T., Boero F., Carrada G., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Cau A., Chemello R., Greco S., Manganaro A., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Russo G.F., Tunesi L | 2008 | Italian marine reserve effectiveness: does enforcement matter? | Biological Conservation 141:699-709. | |
376 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lagenodelphis hosei (Fraser’s Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
377 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lagenorhynchus acutus (Atlantic White-sided Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
378 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lagenorhynchus albirostris (White-beaked Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
379 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale’s Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
380 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Hourglass Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
381 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lagenorhynchus obliquidens (Pacific White-sided Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
382 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lagenorhynchus obscurus (Dusky Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
383 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lissodelphis borealis (Northern Right Whale Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
384 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Lissodelphis peronii (Southern Right Whale Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
385 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A., Bressan M., Portunato N | 2008 | Logistic regression models to predict cetacean distribution as fuction of the hydrographic parameters in the Pelagos sanctuary (Solmar-Sirena ’01, ’02 and ’03 trials) | 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2008. | |
386 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2008 | Marine protected areas for cetaceans: basic concepts on selection, creation and management | Pp 7-13 in P.G.HEvans (ed.), Selection criteria for marine protected areas for cetaceans Proceedings of the ECS – ASCOBANS – ACCOBAMS Workshop held at the European Cetacean Society’s 21st Annual Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, 22nd April 2007 ECS Publication Series n 48 104 pp. | |
387 | Panigada S., Zanardelli M., MacKenzie M., Donovan C., Mélin F., Hammond P.S | 2008 | Modelling habitat preferences for fin whales and striped dolphins in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Western Mediterranean Sea) with physiographic and remote sensing variables | Remote Sensing of the Environment 112:3400-3412. | |
388 | Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Politi E., Piroddi C., Reeves R.R | 2008 | Overfishing and the disappearance of short-beaked common dolphins from western Greece | Endangered Species Research 5:1-12. | |
389 | Tethys Research Institute | 2008 | Pelagos Sanctuary Research in the western Ligurian Sea Report on the activities conducted between May – October 2008 | Tethys Research Institute Report 64 pp. | |
390 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Phocoena dioptrica (Spectacled Porpoise) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
391 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Phocoena phocoena (Harbour Porpoise) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
392 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Phocoena spinipinnis (Burmeister’s Porpoise) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
393 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Phocoenoides dalli (White-flanked Porpoise) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
394 | Pierantonio N., Pavan G., Airoldi S, Panigada S | 2008 | Presence of socializing sperm whales in the Ligurian Sea assessed through acoustic, behavioral and photo-identification data | 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2008. | |
395 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Hanafy M.H., Fouda M.M., Afifi A., Costa M | 2008 | Spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) resting habitat in Samadai Reef (Egypt, Red Sea) protected through tourism management | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89(1):211-216. | |
396 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Stenella attenuata (Pantropical Spotted Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
397 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Stenella clymene (Clymene Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
398 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Stenella coeruleoalba (Striped Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
399 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Stenella frontalis (Atlantic Spotted Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
400 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Stenella longirostris (Spinner Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
401 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Steno bredanensis (Rough-toothed Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
402 | Silvia Bonizzoni | 2008 | The social organization of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus around the island of Kalamos, Greece | Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy. | |
403 | Jahoda M | 2008 | Translation from English to Italian of the book The Whale Warriors by Peter Heller | I guerrieri delle balene, la battaglia per salvare I più grandi mammiferi della Terra, Corbaccio, Milano 336 pp. | |
404 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Tursiops aduncus (Indo-pacific Bottlenose Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
405 | Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B (Assessors) | 2008 | Tursiops truncatus (Common Bottlenose Dolphin) | 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. | |
406 | Shani Gitter | 2008 | Whistle repertoire and geographic variation of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Ligurian Sea of the Mediterranean | MSc in Zoology, Western Illinois University of Chicago, ILL. | |
407 | Fossi M.C., Urban J., Casini S., Maltese S., Spinsanti G., Panti C., Porcelloni S., Panigada S., Lauriano G., Niño-Torres C., Rojas-Bracho L., Jimenez B., Muñoz-Arnanz J., Marsili L. | 2009 | A multi-trial diagnostic tool in fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) skin biopsies of the Pelagos Sanctuary (Mediterranean Sea) and the Gulf of California (Mexico) | Marine Environmental Research doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2009.10.006 | |
408 | Panigada S., Giannì A., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Lauriano G | 2009 | Abundance of striped dolphins in the Pelagos Sanctuary: insights through line transect surveys | 23rd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 March 2009. | |
409 | Bearzi G., Costa M., Politi E., Agazzi S., Pierantonio N., Tonini D., Bastianini M | 2009 | Cetacean records and encounter rates in the northern Adriatic Sea during the years 1988-2007 | Annales, Series Historia Naturalis 19(2):145-150. | |
410 | Airoldi S., Panigada S., Pierantonio N., Lanfredi C., Remonato E., Pirotta E | 2009 | Cetacean Sanctuary Research | Pelagos Sanctuary Report on the activities conducted between May – October 2009 in the western Ligurian SeaTethys Research Institute Report 66 pp. | |
411 | Abdulla A., Gomei M., Hyrenbach D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Agardy T | 2009 | Challenges facing a network of representative marine protected areas in the Mediterranean: prioritizing the protection of underrepresented habitats | ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsn164 | |
412 | Bearzi G | 2009 | Delfini e pesca: interazioni trofiche e depredazione in aree marine costiere del Mediterraneo | Thalassia Salentina 32:5-11. | |
413 | Arrigoni M., Panigada S., Manfredi P., Santangelo G., Bramanti L | 2009 | Demography of Mediterranean fin whale | 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Quebec City, Canada, 12-16 October 2009. | |
414 | Auster P.J., Fujita R., Kellert S.R., Avise J., Campagna C., Cuker B., Dayton P., Heneman B., Kenchington R., Stone G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Glynn P | 2009 | Developing an ocean ethic: science, utility, aesthetics, self-interest and different ways of knowing | Conservation Biology 23(1):233-235. | |
415 | Enrico Pirotta | 2009 | Distribution and ecology of Risso’s dolphins, Grampus griseus (Cuvier, 1812), in the western Ligurian Sea relative to physiographic, oceanographic and biological parameters | Degree in Marine Biology, University of Pisa, Italy | |
416 | Aina Pascual Cuadras | 2009 | Distribution and habitat preferences of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece | MSc in Biodiversity, University of Barcelona, Spain. | |
417 | Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M., Reeves R.R | 2009 | Ecology and conservation of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Mediterranean Sea | Mammal Review 39(2):92-123. | |
418 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A., Vismara R | 2009 | Environmental Impact Assessment of undersea seismic surveys – part 1: legislations and reference guidelines | IA Ingegneria Ambientale 4 177-186. | |
419 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A., Vismara R | 2009 | Environmental Impact Assessment of undersea seismic surveys – part 2: effects on organism and impact assessment | IA Ingegneria Ambientale 5 251-260. | |
420 | Christina Geijer | 2009 | Evaluation of group definitions in a population of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), western Greece | MSc in Nature Conservation, University College London, U.K. | |
421 | Pereszlényi Z., Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J | 2009 | Feeding behaviour of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece | Poster presented at the 5th “Ecology & Behaviour” Meeting, Lyon, France, 6-10 April 2009. | |
422 | Zsuzsanna Pereszlényi | 2009 | Feeding behaviour of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece | MSc in Biology, University of Pécs, Hungary. | |
423 | Engelhaupt D., Hoelzel R.A., Nicholson C., Frantzis A., Mesnick S., Gero S., Whitehead H., Rendell L., Miller P., de Stefanis R., Canadas A., Airoldi S., Mignucci-Giannoni A.A | 2009 | Female philopatry in coastal basins and male dispersion across the North Atlantic in a highly mobile marine species, the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) | Molecular Ecology 18:4193-4205. | |
424 | Panigada S., Tejedor A., Giangreco R., Lauriano G | 2009 | Measures for minimizing the risks of collisions with cetaceans | International Maritime Organisation (IMO), MEPC 59, 13-17 July, London, U.K. | |
425 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Adamantopoulou S., Androukaki E., Dendrinos P., Karamanlidis A.A., Paravas V., Kotomatas S | 2009 | National strategy and action plan for the conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal in Greece, 2009 – 2015 | Report on evaluating the past and structuring the future Publication prepared as part of the LIFE-Nature Project: MOFI: Monk Seal and Fisheries: mitigating the conflict in Greek SeasHellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Mediterranean monk seal (MOm), Athens 71 p. | |
426 | Bearzi G | 2009 | Practicing fisheries conservation biology within harvesting regimes | Reply to David W KerstetterConservation Biology 23(5):1073-1074. | |
427 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2009 | Red Sea spinner dolphin resting habitat protected through tourism management | First International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas, Maui, 30 March – 3 April 2009. | |
428 | Jahoda M | 2009 | Squali da salvare | Cinehollywood | |
429 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2009 | The Pelagos Sanctuary for Mediterranean marine mammals: lessons to be learned for Maritime Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean | Joint Research Centre Workshop on the key principles for MSP, Ispra 23 April 2009. | |
430 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2009 | The Pelagos Sanctuary for the conservation of Mediterranean marine mammals: an iconic High Seas MPA in dire straits | 2nd International Conference on Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2009, 2-6 November 2009, OZEANEUM/DMM, Stralsund, Germany 3 p. | |
431 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2009 | The Pelagos Sanctuary hanging in the balance: beacon for Mediterranean protection or failed park? | First International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas, Maui, 30 March – 3 April 2009. | |
432 | Genov T., Wiemann A., Fortuna C.M | 2009 | Towards identification of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population structure in the North-eastern Adriatic sea: preliminary results | Varstvo Narave 22:73-80. | |
433 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A., Tyack, P.L | 2009 | Using logistic regression models to predict habitat preferences of deep diver cetaceans in the Alboran Sea as function of oceanographic characteristics | Submitted at the workshop on “Ecological Modeling for Marine Mammologist”, 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Quebec City, Canada 12-16 October, 2009 | |
434 | Bearzi G | 2009 | When swordfish conservation biologists eat swordfish | Conservation Biology 23(1):1-2. | |
435 | Gitter S.J., Panigada S., Airoldi S., Thomas J | 2009 | Whistle repertoire and geographic variation of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Mediterranean Sea) | 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Quebec City, Canada, 12-16 October 2009. | |
436 | Panigada S., Burt L., Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2009 | Winter abundance of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Western Mediterranean Sea) assessed through aerial survey | Working paper SC/61/SM7 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Madeira, Portugal, 10pp. | |
437 | Dolman S.J., Evans P.G.H., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Frisch H | 2010 | Active sonar, beaked whales and European regional policy | Marine Pollution Bulletin doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.03.034 | |
438 | Lauriano G., Panigada S | 2010 | Aerial survey in the Pelagos Sanctuary for the Management and Conservation of the protected species | Biologia Marina Mediterranea 17(1):43-46. | |
439 | Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Bonizzoni S., Costa M., Petroselli A | 2010 | Biomass removal by dolphins and fisheries in a Mediterranean Sea coastal area: do dolphins have an ecological impact on fisheries? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20(5):549-55. | ||
440 | Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G | 2010 | Bottlenose dolphins in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece, qualify as Endangered based on IUCN Red List criteria | 4th Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Casablanca, 11-13 January 2010. | |
441 | Evans P.G.H., Pierce G.J., Panigada S | 2010 | Climate change and marine mammals | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90(8):1483-1487. | |
442 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2010 | Conservazione dei cetacei in Italia: inquadramento strategico e linee guida | Documento preparato per il Centro Interdipartimentale di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali (CIBRA) dell’Università di Pavia 53 p. | |
443 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Birkun A., Jr | 2010 | Conserving whales, dolphins and porpoises in the Mediterranean and Black Seas: an ACCOBAMS status report, 2010 | ACCOBAMS, Monaco 212 p. | |
444 | Pirotta E., Azzellino A., Airoldi S | 2010 | Distribution and ecology of Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the western Ligurian Sea in relation to physiographic, oceanographic and intrinsic biological parameters | 24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany, 22-24 March 2010. | |
445 | Piroddi C., Bearzi G., Christensen V | 2010 | Effects of local fisheries and ocean productivity on the northeastern Ionian Sea ecosystem | Ecological Modelling 221(11):1526-1544. | |
446 | Scuderi A., Azzellino A., Jahoda M., Lanfredi C | 2010 | Identification of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) feeding areas in the western Ligurian Sea | 24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany 22-24 March 2010. | |
447 | Lauriano G., Panigada S | 2010 | Line-transect distance sampling through aerial surveys for density and abundances estimates | Biologia Marina Mediterranea 17(1):404-405. | |
448 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2010 | Methods for the identification of EBSAs in the Adriatic Sea | 3rd International Workshop on Biodiversity in the Adriatic: Towards a representative network of MPAs in the Adriatic Piran, 28–29 October 2010 17 p. | |
449 | Panigada S., Lauriano G., Burt L., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2010 | Monitoring winter and summer abundance of cetaceans in the Pelagos Sanctuary through aerial surveys for conservation | 24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany, 22-24 March 2010. | |
450 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G | 2010 | National Strategy and Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in Greece, 2010-2015 | Initiative for the Conservation of Cetaceans in Greece, Athens 55 pp. | |
451 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Agardy T | 2010 | Overview of scientific findings and criteria relevant to identifying SPAMIs in the Mediterranean open seas, including the deep sea | UNEP-MAP EdRAC/SPA, Tunis 71 p. | |
452 | Bearzi G., Pierantonio N., Bonizzoni S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Demma M | 2010 | Perception of a cetacean mass stranding in Italy: the emergence of compassion | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20:644-654. | |
453 | Remonato E., Panigada S., Leaper R., Donovan G | 2010 | Ship strikes with cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea: assessment, public awareness and mitigation measures | 24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany, 22-24 March 2010. | |
454 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2010 | The word’s two remaining monk seal species: how many different ways are there of being Critically Endangered? | The Monachus Guardian 13(1):39-41. | |
455 | Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G | 2010 | Vanishing of short-beaked common dolphins from one of their last Mediterranean strongholds: the announced result of fisheries mismanagement | 4th Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Casablanca, 11-13 January 2010. | |
456 | Piroddi C., Bearzi G., Gonzalvo Villegas J., Christensen V. | 2011 | From common to rare: the case of the Mediterranean common dolphin. | Biological Conservation 144(10):2490-24. | |
457 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Ali A., Hanafy M., Cesario A., Costa M., Fumagalli M. | 2011 | A Samadai Vision: how a successful conservation action can become an extraordinary outreach opportunity and a model for Red Sea conservation planning. Draft. | In: Prepared for HEPCA, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt., p. 13 p. | |
458 | Lauriano G., Panigada S., Canneri R., Manca Zeichen M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2011 | Abundance estimate of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Pelagos Sanctuary (NW Mediterranean) by means of line transect survey | Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 11(3):279-283. | |
459 | Lauriano G., Panigada S., Casale P., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2011 | Abundance estimates of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Pelagos Sanctuary, North Western Mediterranean Sea | Marine Ecology Progress Series 437:291–302. | |
460 | Lauriano G., Panigada S., Casale P., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2011 | Abundance estimates of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Pelagos Sanctuary, northwestern Mediterranean Sea | 31st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. | |
461 | Panigada S., Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2011 | Aerial surveys in the Pelagos Sanctuary (winter 2009, summer 2009-2010), the Ionian Sea and the Gulf of Taranto (spring 2010), the central Tyrrhenian Sea, the Corsica and Sardinia Seas (summer 2010) and the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (autumn 2010): contribution to the future “ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative” | 7th Meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS, Monaco, 21-31 March | |
462 | Carpinelli E., Gauffier P., de Stephanis R., Verborgh P, Esteban R., Cañadas A., Pierantonio N., Airoldi S., Lewis T | 2011 | Assessing long-range movements of Mediterranean sperm whales through photo-identification | European Cetacean Society, 2011 Cadiz, Spain. | |
463 | Carpinelli E., Gauffier P., de Stephanis R., Verborgh P., Esteban R., Pierantonio N., Airoldi S., Lewis T | 2011 | Assessing long-range movements of Mediterranean sperm whales through photoidentification | 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cadiz, Spain, 21-23 March 2011. | |
464 | Pedà C., Battaglia P., Scuderi A., Voliani A., Mancusi C., Serena F., Andaloro F.,Romeo T. | 2011 | Cephalopods in the diet of striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) and bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821) stranded along the coasts of the Tuscany (North Western Mediterraena Sea. | 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cadiz, Spain. | |
465 | Podestà M , Lanfredi C., Azzellino, A., D’Amico A., Pavan G., Francia, C | 2011 | Comparison between visual-based and acoustic-based distribution models to predict cetaceans presence in the North-western Tyrrhenian Sea | 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society Cadiz ,Spain , 21-23 March 2011. | |
466 | Gnone G., M, Bellingeri, F, Dhermain, F, Dupraz, S, Nuti, D, Bedocchi, A, Moulins, M, Rosso, J Alessi, R.S, Mccrea, A, Azzellino, S, Airoldi, N Portunato, S Laran, L David, N Di Meglio, P Bonelli, G Montesi, R Trucchi, F Fossa, M Wurtz | 2011 | Distribution, abundance, and movements of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the Pelagos Sanctuary MPA (north-west Mediterranean Sea) | Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems (ISSN:1052-7613), (pp 372- 388), 21 (4); | |
467 | Lanfredi, C., Azzellino, A , D’Amico,A., Ampolo Rella, M, Podestà, M., Pavan, G.Francia, C | 2011 | Does dissolved oxygen play a role in Cuvier’s beaked whale habitat selection? A comparison between three study areas in the western Mediterranean Sea | 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean SocietyCadiz , Spain , 21-23 March 2011. | |
468 | Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J | 2011 | Dolphins and coastal fisheries within a Marine Protected Area: mismatch between dolphin occurrence and reported depredation | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21:261-267. | |
469 | Dimatteo S., Siniscalchi M., Bondanese P., Esposito L., Prunella V., Bearzi G., Quaranta A | 2011 | Encounters with pelagic and continental slope cetacean species near the northern shore of the Gulf of Taranto, Italy | Italian Journal of Zoology 78(1):130–132. | |
470 | Gonzalvo J., Moutopoulos D.K., Bearzi G., Stergiou K.I | 2011 | Fisheries mismanagement in a Natura 2000 area in western Greece | Fisheries Management and Ecology 18(1):25-38. | |
471 | Piroddi C., Bearzi G., Gonzalvo Villegas J., Christensen V | 2011 | From common to rare: the case of the Mediterranean common dolphin | Biological Conservation 144(10):2490-2498. | |
472 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2011 | Guidelines for the establishment and management of marine protected areas for cetaceans | UNEP-MAP RAC/SPA, Ed ACCOBAMS-RAC/SPA, Tunis36 p. | |
473 | Frantzis A., Airoldi S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Johnson C., Mazzariol S | 2011 | Inter-basin movements of Mediterranean sperm whales provide insight into their population structure and conservation | Deep-Sea Research Part I 58:454-459doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2011.02.005 | |
474 | Arrigoni M., Manfredi P., Panigada S., Bramanti L., Santangelo G | 2011 | Life-tables of the Mediterranean fin whale set out from stranding data | Marine Ecology: an evolutionary perspective 32(1):1-9. | |
475 | Zanardelli M., Airoldi, S., Beaubrun, P., Bérubé, M., Borsani, J.F., Gannier, A., Guinet, C., Hammond, P., Jahoda, M., Lauriano, G., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Panigada, S | 2011 | Long-term photo-identification study of fin whales in the Pelagos Sanctuary (NW Mediterranean) | European Cetacean Society Conference, Cadiz 2011. | |
476 | Azzellino A., Panigada S., Lanfredi C., Zanardelli M., Airoldi S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2011 | Long-Term Study of the Distribution of Cetacean Species in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) | European Cetacean Society Conference, Cadiz 2011. | |
477 | Piroddi C., Bearzi G., Christensen V. | 2011 | Marine open cage aquaculture in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: a new trophic resource for bottlenose dolphins. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 440: 255–266 | |
478 | Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J | 2011 | Mid-distance movements of common bottlenose dolphins in the coastal waters of Greece | Journal of Ethology 29(2):369-374. | |
479 | Agardy T., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Christie P | 2011 | Mind the gap: addressing the shortcomings of marine protected areas through large scale marine spatial planning | Marine Policy 35:226-232 doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2010.10.006 | |
480 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2011 | MMPAs in the Mediterranean, and lessons from the Pelagos Sanctuary | MPA News 13(1):3-5. | |
481 | Panigada S., Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2011 | Monitoring cetaceans populations through aerial surveys in the Central Mediterranean Sea | European Research on Cetaceans 25. | |
482 | Lauriano G., Panigada S., Fortuna M.C., Holcer D., Filidei E., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2011 | Monitoring density and abundance of cetaceans in the seas around Italy through aerial surveys: a contribution to conservation and the future ACCOBAMS survey | SC/63/SM6 IWC Scientific Committee, Tromsø, Norway, 5pp. | |
483 | Panigada S., Lauriano G., Burt L., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2011 | Monitoring winter and summer abundance of cetaceans in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) through aerial surveys | PLoS ONE 6(7): e22878 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022878. | |
484 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2011 | National Action Plan for the conservation of marine mammals in the Egyptian Mediterranean Sea – 2012-2016 | Contract RAC/SPA 2011 54 p. | |
485 | Bearzi G., Pierantonio N., Affronte M., Holcer D., Maio N., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2011 | Overview of sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus mortality events in the Adriatic Sea, 1555–2009 | Mammal Review 41(4):276–293. | |
486 | Archer F., Morin P., Hancock-Hanser B., Robertson K., Leslie M., Bérubé M., Panigada S., Taylor B | 2011 | Re-assessing global fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) taxonomy with mitogenomic sequences and a new method of diagnosability | 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Tampa, USA, 27 November – 2 December 2011. | |
487 | Azzellino A., Lanfredi C., D’Amico A., Pavan G., Podestà M., Haun J | 2011 | Risk mapping for sensitive species to underwater anthropogenic sound emissions: model development and validation in two Mediterranean areas | Marine Pollution Bulletin, 63: 56- 70. | |
488 | Bearzi G., Reeves R.R., Remonato E., Pierantonio N., Airoldi S | 2011 | Risso’s dolphin Grampus griseus in the Mediterranean Sea | Mammalian Biology 76:385–400. | |
489 | Mazzariol S., Di Guardo G., Petrella A., Marsili L., M, Fossi C., Leonzio C., Zizzo N., Vizzini S., Gaspari S., Pavan G., Podestà M., Garibaldi F., Ferrante M.,Copat C., Traversa D., Marcer F., Airoldi S., Frantzis A., De Bernaldo Quirós Y., Cozzi B., Fernández A | 2011 | Sometimes Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) Cannot Find Their Way Back to the High Seas: A Multidisciplinary Study on a Mass Stranding. | PLoS ONE 6(5): e19417 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019417 | |
490 | Jahoda M., Azzellino A., Lanfredi C., Panigada S., Scuderi A., Zanardelli M., Airoldi S | 2011 | Spatial and temporal variability of Mediterranean fin whale feeding areas in the Pelagos Sanctuary | European Research on Cetaceans 25: 245. | |
491 | Scuderi A., Mancusi C., Pedà C., Romeo T., Targusi M., Voliani A. | 2011 | Stenella coeruleoalba and Tursiops truncates (Cetartiodactyla: Delphinidae) diet comparison in the stranded individuals on the Tuscany Archipelago coast. | Società Italiana di Biologia Marina (S.I.B.M.) Olbia, Italia | |
492 | Scuderi A., Voliani A., Mancusi C., Pedà C., Romeo T. | 2011 | Stomach contents of bottlenose dolphin stranded along the coasts of Tuscany (North Western Mediterranean Sea). | 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cadiz, Spain. | |
493 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2011 | Straniero nel mare delle mante | Natura (Edinat, Milano), 2011(3):71-75. | |
494 | Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Currey R.J.C | 2011 | Striped dolphins and short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece: abundance estimates from dorsal fin photographs | Marine Mammal Science 27(3):165–184. | |
495 | Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G | 2011 | The Challenges of Dolphin Conservation in the Eastern Ionian Sea Coastal Waters, Greece | 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress Victoria, BC, Canada14-18 May 2011. | |
496 | Costa, M., Cesario, A., Fumagalli, M. & Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. | 2012 | Site fidelity and relative abundance of spinner dolphins resting in Samadai reef (Egypt - Red Sea). | Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Galway, Ireland, 26-28 March 2012. | |
497 | Fumagalli M., Costa M., Cesario A. | 2012 | A Guide to Samadai. | Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (eds.) , Hurghada, Egypt. 23 pp. | |
498 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2012 | Ancient waves, recent concerns: the budding of marine mammal conservation science in Italy | Aquatic Mammals 38(4):441-455 DOI 10.1578/AM.38.4.2012.441 | |
499 | Costa M., Fumagalli M. & Cesario A. | 2012 | Cetacean Conservation Strategy 2013-2015. | In: Cetacean Research Unit Report, HEPCA, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt., p. 14. | |
500 | Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2012 | Cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea | In: Life in the Mediterranean Sea: A Look at Habitat Changes Nova Science Publishers, IncN.Y. | |
501 | Simmonds M.P., Gambaiani D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2012 | Climate change effects on Mediterranean cetaceans: time for action | Pp 685-701 in: NStambler (ed.), Life in the Mediterranean Sea: a look at habitat changes Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | |
502 | Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M., Reeves R.R | 2012 | Common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Mediterranean subpopulation) | The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012. | |
503 | Adnet S., Cappetta H., Guinot G., Notarbartolo-di-Sciara G | 2012 | Evolutionary history of the devilrays (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes) from fossil and morphological inference | Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, London 166:132-159 doi: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00844.x | |
504 | Burkhardt, E and Lanfredi, C | 2012 | Fall feeding aggregations of fin whales off Elephant Island (Antarctica) | SC/64/SH9 64th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) Panama city, Panama2-6 July 2012. | |
505 | Panigada S., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G | 2012 | Fin whale Balaenoptera physalus (Mediterranean subpopulation) | IUCN (2012) Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Gland, Switzerland and Malaga, Spain: IUCN 32 pages Threatened Species. | |
506 | Azzellino and Lanfredi | 2012 | Habitat modelling of marine mammals as function of oceanographic characteristics: development of predictive tools for assessing and managing the risks and the impacts due to sound emissions | ONR Marine Mammal & Biology Program Review April, 2012 Arlington, VA, USAp 44-45. | |
507 | Guidetti P., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Agardy T | 2012 | Integrating pelagic and coastal MPAs into large-scale ecosystem-wide management | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2314 | |
508 | Genov T., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Tempesta M | 2012 | Long-distance movement of a lone short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the central Mediterranean Sea | Marine Biodiversity Records Vol5; e9 doi:10.1017/S1755267211001163. | |
509 | Panigada S., Pierantonio N | 2012 | Marine mammals and risk of extinction: an overview at local, regional and global scales | Marine Extinctions – Patterns and Processes, CIESM Workshop n° 45, Valencia (Spain), 10-13 October 2012 | |
510 | Druon J.N., Panigada S., David L., Gannier A., Mayol P., Arcangeli A., Cañadas A., Di Méglio N., Gauffier P | 2012 | Potential feeding habitat of fin whale in the Western Mediterranean Sea | Marine Ecology Progress Series 464:289–306. | |
511 | Azzellino A., Panigada S., Lanfredi C, Zanardelli M., Airoldi, S and Notarbartolo di Sciara, G | 2012 | Predictive Habitat Models For Managing Marine Areas: Spatial And Temporal Distribution Of Marine Mammals Within The Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) | Ocean and Coastal Management 67:63-74. | |
512 | Weir C.R., Macena B.C.L., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2012 | Records of rays of the genus Mobula (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes: Mobulidae) from the waters between Gabon and Angola (eastern tropical Atlantic) | Marine Biodiversity Records 5; e26 doi:10.1017/S1755267212000061 | |
513 | Remonato, E., Aimi, A, Airoldi, S | 2012 | Residency Patterns, Home Ranges and Movements of Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus) in the Western Ligurian Sea | European Cetacean Society, 2012 Galway, Ireland. | |
514 | Pierantonio N., Bearzi G | 2012 | Review of fin whale mortality events (1728–2011) in the Adriatic Sea, with a description of a previously unreported killing | Marine Biodiversity Records 5, e109 doi:10.1017/S1755267212000930 | |
515 | Costa M., Fumagalli M. & Cesario A. | 2012 | RSDP Final Report 2010-2012. | In: Final report 2010-2012, HEPCA, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt., p. 78. | |
516 | Fumagalli M., Costa M. & Cesario A. | 2012 | RSDP International and Egyptian Intens. Final Report January 2010 - July 2012. | In: Cetacean Research Unit Report, HEPCA, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt., p. 12. | |
517 | Greco, M & Airoldi, S | 2012 | Social structure of long-finned pilot whales in the Ligurian Sea (Pelagos Sanctuary, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) | European Cetacean Society, 2012Galway, Ireland. | |
518 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Frantzis A., Rendell L | 2012 | Sperm whales in the Mediterranean: the difficult art of coexisting with humans in a crowded sea | Whalewatcher, Journal of the American Cetacean Society Special Issue: Sperm whale, whale of extremes (HWhitehead, special guest editor) 41(1):30-37. | |
519 | Costa M., Fumagalli M. & Cesario A. | 2012 | Stranding Report 2010-2012. | In: Cetacean Research Unit Report, HEPCA, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt., p. 49. | |
520 | Fossi M.C., Casini S., Caliani I., Panti C., Marsili L., Viarengo A., Giangreco R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Serena F., Ouerghi A., Depledge M.H | 2012 | The role of large marine vertebrates in the assessment of the quality of pelagic marine ecosystems | Marine Environmental Research 77:156-158 doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.003 | |
521 | Pierantonio N., Airoldi S | 2012 | Use of photogrammetry to estimate sperm whales body length in the Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean | 26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland, 26-28 March 2012. | |
522 | Fumagalli M, Cesario A, Costa M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Slooten E. | 2013 | Dolphins, research and tourism in Samadai Reef: is there enough room for everybody? | 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Dunedin, NZ | |
523 | Azzellino A., Gaspari S., Lanfredi C., Lauriano G., Panigada S., Podestà M | 2013 | A cetacean Biodiversity Index to assess the quality of pelagic marine ecosystems | 2nd International Workshop Biology and ecotoxicology of large marine vertebrates: potential sentinels of Good Environmental Status of marine environment, implication on European Marine Strategy Framework Directive Siena, 5-6 June 2013 | |
524 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2013 | Cetacean conservation and management: a Red Sea primer | Prepared for HEPCA, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt 18 p. | |
525 | Fumagalli M., Cesario A., Costa M. | 2013 | Cetacean Stranding January 2010-November 2012. | Final Report to the Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt. 49 pp. | |
526 | Fumagalli M., Cesario A., Costa M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., & Slooten E. | 2013 | Dolphins, research and tourism in Samadai Reef: is there enough room for everybody? | In 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand. 9-13 Dec. | |
527 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2013 | Draft Regional Strategy for the conservation of monk seals in the Mediterranean (2013-2019) | UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG.382/9 Rev.1 37 p. | |
528 | Cesario A., Costa M., Fumagalli M., Chang W., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., & Karczmarski L. | 2013 | Evidence of male alliances in spinner dolphins off Samadai reef, Red Sea, Egypt. | In 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand. 9-13 Dec. | |
529 | Boero F., Carlton J., Briand F., Kiessling W., Chenuil A., Voultsiadou E., Twichett R., Soldo A., Panigada S., Juan-Jorda M.J., Melian C.J., Cury P., Moschella P | 2013 | Executive Summary pp | 5-19 in CIESM Workshop Monographs n° 45 [F Briand, ed.] Marine Extinctions – patterns and processes, 188 p., CIESM Publisher, Monaco. | |
530 | Bérubé M , Aguilar A., Berrow S., Cabrera A., Gauthier P., Heide-Jorgensen M-P., Martin V., Oien N., Oosting T., Panigada S Prieto R., Ramp C., Rivera V., Robbins J., Ryan C., Sears R., Silva M., Tison J-L., Verkuil Y., Vikingsson G., Wenzel F., Palsboll P | 2013 | Genetic analyses suggest that the population structure of North Atlantic rorquals are shaped by the same fundamental oceanographic and geological processes | 2013 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9-13 December 2013. | |
531 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A., D’amico A., Pavan G., Podesta’ M | 2013 | Habitat Modeling Of Cuvier’s Beaked Whale: Development of Predictive Tools for Assessing and Managing the Risks And the Impacts due to Sound Emissions | Biol MarMediterr (2013), 20 (1): 260-261 | |
532 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A., D’amico A., Pavan G., Podesta’ M | 2013 | Habitat Modeling Of Cuvier’s Beaked Whale: Development of Predictive Tools for Assessing and Managing the Risks And the Impacts due to Sound Emissions | 44 Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina Rome, 14-16 May 2013 | |
533 | Portman M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Agardy T., Katsanevakis S., Possingham H., Di Carlo G | 2013 | He who hesitates is lost: why conservation in the Mediterranean Sea is necessary and possible now | Marine Policy 42:270-279. | |
534 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2013 | I cetacei del Mediterraneo: aspetti biogeografici | Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell’Università di Genova 75:73-74. | |
535 | Gelippi M., Panigada S., Garcìa Tiscar S., Fossi M.C | 2013 | Insights on Mediterranean fin whales feeding ecology through stable isotope analysis from skin biopsies | European Research on Cetaceans 27. | |
536 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Agardy T | 2013 | Is the Pelagos Sanctuary sufficiently large for the cetacean populations it is intended to protect? | Rapport de la Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée 40:623. | |
537 | Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Donovan G., Panigada S | 2013 | Knowledge of Marine Strategy Directive key parameters for the common bottlenose dolphin: a case study in the Western Mediterranean Assessment Area | 2° SETAC Europe International workshop on “Biology and ecotoxicology of large marine vertebrates: potential sentinels of Good Environmental Status of marine environment, implication on European Marine Strategy Framework Directive” Siena, Italy, 5-6 June 2013. | |
538 | Panigada S., Pierantonio N | 2013 | Marine mammals and risk of extinction: an overview at local, regional and global scales, pp 81-90 in CIESM Workshop Monographs n° 45 [F | Briand, ed.] Marine Extinctions – patterns and processes, 188 p., CIESM Publisher, Monaco. | |
539 | Archer F.I., Morin P.A., Hancock-Hanser B.L., Robertson K.M., Leslie M.S., Bérubé M., Panigada S., Taylor B.L | 2013 | Mitogenomic phylogenetics of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus spp.): genetic evidence for revision of subspecies | PLoS ONE 8(5): e63396 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063396. | |
540 | Panigada S | 2013 | Monitoring cetaceans populations through aerial surveys and satellite telemetry in the Central Mediterranean Sea | 2° SETAC Europe International workshop on “Biology and ecotoxicology of large marine vertebrates: potential sentinels of Good Environmental Status of marine environment, implication on European Marine Strategy Framework Directive” Siena, Italy, 5-6 June 2013. | |
541 | Giovos I., Gonzalvo J | 2013 | Prevalence of a particularly severe skin condition among common bottlenose dolphins from the Amvrakikos Gulf, western Greece | 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setúbal, Portugal 8 – 10 April 2013. | |
542 | Costa M., Cesario A., Fumagalli M. | 2013 | Red Sea Dolphin project 2010-December 2012. | Final Report to the Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt. 78 pp. | |
543 | Fumagalli M. | 2013 | Samadai Experience: The Balance Between Marine Wildlife Conservation and Dolphin Watching Industry Has Been Found?. | Final report to the Rufford Small Grants Foundation. | |
544 | Cesario A., Fumagalli M. & Costa M. | 2013 | Samadai survey final report 2010-2012. | In: Cetacean Research Unit Report, HEPCA, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt., p. 49. Hurghada, 25 February 2013 | |
545 | Panigada S., Lauriano G., Zanardelli M., Pierantonio N., Donovan G., Zerbini A., Geyer Y., Druon J-N., Fossi M.C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2013 | Satellite tracking of fin whales in the Pelagos Sanctuary (western Mediterranean sea) | European Research on Cetaceans 27. | |
546 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2013 | Science for marine conservation: a Red Sea primer | Prepared for HEPCA, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, Hurghada, Egypt 21 p. | |
547 | Archer F., Morin P.A., Hancock-Hanser B.L., Robertson K.M., Leslie M.S., Bérubé M., Panigada S., Taylor B.L | 2013 | SNP genotypes support mitogenomic evidence for an un-named taxon of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the North Pacific and historical trans-equatorial dispersal event | 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9-13 December 2013. | |
548 | Pierantonio N., Airoldi S | 2013 | Sperm whale monitoring in the Ligurian Sea: addressing present and future challenges | ‘Towards a large scale collaboration on sperm whale research’ Worksop, 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setubal, Portugal, 6 April 2013 | |
549 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2013 | Sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, in the Mediterranean Sea: a summary of status, threats, and conservation recommendations | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2409 | |
550 | Remonato, E., Aimi, A., Airoldi, S | 2013 | Study of Residency Patterns, Home Ranges and Movements of Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus, Cuvier, 1812) in the Western Ligurian Sea | Proceedings of the ECS Workshop Grampus griseus 200th anniversary: Risso’s dolphins in the contemporary world 26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland25th March 2012 ECS Special Publication Series No 54 November 2013. | |
551 | Lauriano G., Panigada S., Pierantonio N., Donovan G | 2013 | The Marine Strategy Framework Directive abundance and distribution indicators: a case study for the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the central Mediterranean Sea based on aerial survey data | 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setubal, Portugal, 8-10 April 2013. | |
552 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2013 | Towards the identification and reference list of pelagic habitat types in the Mediterranean Sea | Contract RAC/SPA, N° 17 22 p. | |
553 | Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Donovan G., Panigada S | 2014 | Abundance and distribution of Tursiops truncatus in the Western Mediterranean Sea: an assessment towards the Marine Strategy Framework Directive requirements | Marine Environmental Research, doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2014.04.001. | |
554 | Rendell, L., Simião, S., Brotons, J M., Airoldi, S., Fasano, D., Gannier, A | 2014 | Abundance and movements of sperm whales in the western Mediterranean basin | Aquatic Conserv: MarFreshw Ecosyst 24(Suppl 1): 23–30 (2014) | |
555 | Costa M., Cesario A., Fumagalli M., Heinrich S. & Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2014 | Abundance of dolphins in the southern Egyptian Red Sea. | Report of the International Whaling Commission SC/65b/SM. Pp 1-9. Bled, Slovenia, 12-14 may 2014 | |
556 | Pierantonio N., Airoldi S | 2014 | Acoustically derived growth-rates of male sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the NW Mediterranean Sea | 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liege, Belgium, 7-9 April 2014. | |
557 | Azzellino, A., Fossi, M.C , Gaspari, S, , Lanfredi, C ., Lauriano, G., Marsili, L., Panigada, S., Podesta, M | 2014 | An index based on the biodiversity of cetacean species to assess the environmental status of marine ecosystems | Marine Environmental Research Volume: 100 , Pages: 94-111. | |
558 | Panigada S., Frey S., Pierantonio N., Garziglia P., Giardina F | 2014 | Are humpback whales electing the Mediterranean Sea as new residence? | 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liège, Belgium, 7-9 April 2014. | |
559 | Carpinelli, E., Gauffier, P., Verborgh, P., Airoldi, S., David L., Di-Méglio N., Cañadas, A., Frantzis, A, Rendell, L., Lewis, T., Mussi, B., Pace D, S., de Stephanis, R | 2014 | Assessing sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) movements within the western Mediterranean Sea through photo-identification Acquatic Conservation | Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Journal, Volume 24 (Suppl1): Pages 23–30. | |
560 | Abudaya M., Fernando D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2014 | Assessment of the Gaza fishery of the giant devil ray (Mobula mobular) | Final report to the Save our Seas Foundation 30 p. | |
561 | Pedà C., Battaglia P., Scuderi A., Voliani A., Mancusi C., Andaloro F., Romeo T. | 2014 | Cephalopod prey in the stomach contents of odontocete cetaceans stranded in the western Mediterranean Sea. | Marine Biology Research DOI:10.1080/17451000.2014.966724 | |
562 | Rossi, A., Panigada, S., Arrigoni, M., Zanardelli, M., Cimmino, C., Marangi, L., Manfredi, P., Santangelo, G. | 2014 | Demography and conservation of the Mediterranean fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus): what clues can be obtained from photo-identification data | Theoretical Biology Forum, 107(1-2): 123-142. | |
563 | Corrigan C.M., Ardron J.A., Comeros-Raynal M.T., Hoyt E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Carpenter K.E | 2014 | Developing important marine mammal area criteria: learning from ecologically or biologically significant areas and key biodiversity areas | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24 (Suppl 2):166-183DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2513 | |
564 | Cesario A, Costa M, Fumagalli M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Karczmarski L. | 2014 | Egyptian Red Sea spinners and a comprehensive science-based integrated management of resting areas in developing countries. | 3rd International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas. Adelaide, AUS. | |
565 | Gonzalvo J., Giovos I., Moutopoulos D.K | 2014 | Fishermen perceptions in support of sustainability of small-scale fisheries and dolphin conservation in two increasingly fragile coastal ecosystems in Western Greece | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems doi:10.1002/aqc.2444 | |
566 | Pierantonio N., Airoldi S | 2014 | Length and growth of male sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the NW Mediterranean Sea | ‘Scientific progress on cetaceans and perspectives in the Pelagos Sanctuary’ Workshop, 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liege, Belgium, 5 April 2014. | |
567 | Gonzalvo J | 2014 | Marine conservation as a common goal: benefits of communication between researchers and fishermen | Workshop “Marine stewardship: Setting the grounds to establish a European framework” held at the LandLife Congress 2014; Barcelona, Spain 5-8 November 2014. | |
568 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A. | 2014 | Maritime Traffic Noise: Assessment of the Exposure Risk for Cetaceans Species in the Pelagos Sanctuary | 45 Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina Venezia, 19-23 May 2014 | |
569 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A., Iacoponi A., Licitra G | 2014 | Maritime Traffic Noise: Assessment of the Exposure Risk for Cetaceans Species in the Pelagos Sanctuary | Biol MarMediterr 21(1):377-378. | |
570 | Lascelles B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Agardy T., Cuttelod A., Eckert S., Glowka L., Hoyt E., Llewellyn F., Louzao M., Ridoux V., Tetley M.J | 2014 | Migratory marine species: their status, threats and conservation management needs | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24 (Suppl 2):111-127DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2512 | |
571 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Brownell R.L | 2014 | Notes on the recent stranding of beaked whales off Crete, Greece during military exercises | IWC Scientific Committee 65 8 p. | |
572 | Hoyt E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G (eds.) | 2014 | Report of the Workshop for the Development of Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) Criteria | IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force and International Committee on Marine Mammal Protected Areas, Marseille, France, 22 Oct 201318 p. | |
573 | Caterina Lanfredi | 2014 | Risk Assessment of Underwater Sounds Emissions: Impact on Marine Environment | Ph.D Dissertation in Environmental EngineeringPolitecnico di Milano, Italy. | |
574 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Smeenk C., Rudolph P., Addink M., Baldwin R., Cesario A., Costa M., Fumagalli M., Feingold D., Kerem D., Goffman O., Scheinin A., Elasar M. & Hadar, N. | 2014 | Summary review of cetaceans of the Red Sea. | Report of the International Whaling Commission SC/65b/SM. Pp 1-9. Bled, Slovenia, 12-14 may 2014 | |
575 | Fumagalli M, Cesario A, Costa M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Harraway J, Higham J, Slooten E. | 2014 | The Egyptian Red Sea case (Part II): Socioeconomic consideration and the Samadai model. | 3rd International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas. Adelaide, AUS. | |
576 | Fumagalli M. | 2015 | “Songs, sponges and cultural behaviors in cetaceans” | International Graduate Symposium “Forgetting/Remembering”, Department of Languages and Cultures, University of Otago. Dunedin, NZ. | |
577 | Fumagalli M, Cesario A, Costa M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Slooten E, Higham J. | 2015 | “When inclusion in a national park limits conservation: spinner dolphin tourism in Egypt analysed in a social-ecological system framework” | 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. San Francisco, USA, 13-18 December 2015. | |
578 | Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Cañadas A., Donovan G., Panigada S | 2015 | Aerial survey as tool to investigate the abundance and distribution of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea | 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Dalaman, Mulga, Turkey, 19-24 April 2015 | |
579 | Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Cañadas A., Donovan G., Panigada S. . | 2015 | Aerial survey as tool to investigate the abundance and distribution of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea. | 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Dalaman, Mulga, Turkey, 19–24 April 2015. | |
580 | Panigada S., Pierantonio N., Donovan G.P., Gonzalvo J., Zanardelli M., David L., Cañadas A., Lauriano G | 2015 | Are striped dolphins in the Central Mediterranean Sea declining? The importance of systematic monitoring to assess trends and develop effective conservation strategies | 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta, 23-25 March 2015. | |
581 | Panigada S., Pierantonio N., Donovan G.P., Gonzalvo J., Zanardelli M., David L., Cañadas A., Lauriano G. . | 2015 | Are striped dolphins in the Central Mediterranean Sea declining? The importance of systematic monitoring to assess trends and develop effective conservation strategies. | 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta, 23–25 March 2015. | |
582 | Fumagalli M. | 2015 | Community effort to protect the “Huzzah porpoise” in Egypt. | Final report to the Rufford Small Grants Foundation. | |
583 | Gonzalvo, J., Vighi, M., Salvador, C., Giovos, I., Genov, T., Borrell, A. | 2015 | Diet of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) of the Gulf of Ambracia, Greece, through stable isotope analysis. | 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. St. Julians, Malta, 23-25 March 2015. | |
584 | Cagnolaro L., Cozzi B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Podestà M. (Editors). | 2015 | Fauna d’Italia. Mammalia IV. Cetacea. | Calderini – Edagricole, Milano. 375 p. | |
585 | Cesario A, Costa M, Fumagalli M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Karczmarski L. | 2015 | Female reproductive success and post-natal growth in spinner dolphins through underwater photo-identification and photogrammetry". | 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. San Francisco, USA, 13-18 December 2015. | |
586 | Pierantonio N., De Pascalis F | 2015 | Historical records of fin and sperm whale mortality events in the waters around Italy, 1584-2014 | 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta, Belgium, 23-25 March 2015. | |
587 | Lanfredi, C., Airoldi, S. Moulins, A., Rosso, M., Tepsich, P., Azzellino, A. | 2015 | Long-term trend analysis of deep diving cetacean species occuring in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). | 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta, 23-25 March 2015. | |
588 | Lanfredi, C., Airoldi, S., Moulins, A., Rosso, M., Tepsich, P., Azzellino, A | 2015 | Long-term trend analysis of deep diving cetacean species occurring in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) | 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta, 23-25 March 2015. | |
589 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G. . . | 2015 | Marine conservation. Pages 145-156 in: H.D. Smith, J.L. Suarez de Vivero, T.S. Agardy (editors), Routledge Handbook of ocean resources and management | Earthscan from Routledge, London and New York. 612 p. | |
590 | De Boer M.N., Saulino J.T., Lewis T.P., Notarbartolo di Sciara G | 2015 | New records of whale shark (Rhincodon typus), giant manta ray (Manta birostris) and Chilean devil ray (Mobula tarapacana) for Suriname | Marine Biodiversity Records Vol 8; e10; doi:10.1017/S1755267214001432 | |
591 | Gonzalvo J., Giovos I., Mazzariol S | 2015 | Prevalence of epidermal conditions in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Gulf of Ambracia, western Greece | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 463: 32–38. | |
592 | Gonzalvo J., Giovos I., Mazzariol S. | 2015 | Prevalence of epidermal conditions in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Gulf of Ambracia, western Greece. | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology | |
593 | Airoldi S., Azzellino A., David L, Dhermain F, Di-Meglio N., Jimenez V, Jourdan J, Lanfredi C, Remonato E, Rosso M, Roul M, Scuderi A. | 2015 | Report Finale del progetto “Absolute abundance of Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) in the north-western part of the Pelagos Sanctuary “ | Pelagos Sanctuary Convention No. 03/2014, 59 pages. | |
594 | Donovan G.P., Panigada S., Pierantonio N. . | 2015 | Satellite telemetry applied to fin whales in the Mediterranean Sea: integration to tag whales in the Sicily Straits in winter 2013. Final report. | International Whaling Commission. May 2015. 53 pp. (Unpublished) | |
595 | Panigada S., Pierantonio N. . | 2015 | Satellite telemetry applied to fin whales in the Mediterranean Sea. | Internal report to UNEP/MAP–RAC/SPA. Contract RAC/SPA N° 05/RAC/SPA_2015, 36 pp. (Unpublished) | |
596 | Panigada S., Donovan G.P., Druon J-N., Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Pirotta E., Zanardelli M., Zerbini A. N. . | 2015 | Satellite telemetry on Mediterranean fin whales to identify critical habitats and mitigate ship strikes. | Working paper SC/66a/HIM14 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, San Diego, CA, USA, 14pp. | |
597 | Panigada S., Donovan G.P., Druon J–N., Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Pirotta E., Zanardelli M., Zerbini A. | 2015 | Satellite telemetry on Mediterranean fin whales to identify critical habitats and mitigate ship strikes. | 21st Biennial Society for Marine Mammalogy Conference, San Francisco, USA, 13–18 December 2015. | |
598 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Cañadas A., Donovan G., Panigada S. . | 2015 | The devil we don’t know: investigating habitat and abundance of endangered giant devil rays in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. | PLOS ONE 10(11): e0141189. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141189 | |
599 | Croll D.A., Dewar H., Dulvy N.K., Fernando D., Francis M.P., Galván-Magaña F., Hall M., Heinrichs S., Marshall A., McCauley D., Newton K.M., Notarbartolo-di-Sciara G., O’Malley M., O’Sullivan J., Poortviet M., Roman M., Stevens G., Tershy B.R., White W.T. . | 2015 | Vulnerabilities and fisheries impacts: the uncertain future of manta and devil rays. | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2591 | |
600 | Salvioli, F., Nuti, S., Tozzi, S., Bellingeri, M., Gnone, G., Airoldi, S. | 2015 | A contribution to conservation of the short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis in the Pelagos Sanctuary. | 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta, 23-25 March 2015. | |
601 | Purcell, J.E., Milisenda, G., Rizzo A., Carrion, S. A., Zampardi, S., Airoldi, S., Zagami, G., Letterio, G., Boero, F., Doyle, T. K., Piraino, S. | 2015 | Digestion and predation of zooplankton by the pleustonic hydrozoan Velella velella and widespread blooms in 2013 and 2014. | J. Plankton Res. (2015) 0(0): 1–12. | |
602 | Pierantonio, N., Soldano, G., Airoldi, S. | 2016 | A new equation to calculate the allometric Inter-Pulse Interval to body length relationship in Mediterranean male sperm whales. | 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Madeira, 14-16 March 2016. | |
603 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Agardy T. | 2016 | Building on the Pelagos Sanctuary for Mediterranean marine mammals | Pp. 162-179 in: P. Mackelworth (editor), Marine transboundary conservation and protected areas. Earthscan from Routledge, Oxford and New York, 313 p. | |
604 | Coombes F.G., D’Incà M., Rosso M., Tepsich P., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Moulins A. . | 2016 | Description of the vessel traffic within the north Pelagos Sanctuary: inputs for Marine Spatial Planning and management implications within an existing international Marine Protected Area. | Marine Policy 69:102-113. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.04.013 | |
605 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Fernando G., Adnet S., Cappetta H., Jabado R.W. . | 2016 | Devil rays (Chondrichthyes: Mobula) of the Arabian Seas, with a redescription of Mobula kuhlii (Valenciennes in Müller and Henle, 1841). | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2635 | |
606 | Giovos I., Ganias K., Garagouni M., Gonzalvo J. | 2016 | Devils or saints: disentangling fishermen vs. public perceptions towards cetaceans in the Greek society. | Historic.l Ecology of Semi-Enclosed Basins: Past, Present And Future of Seas at Risk, 3-4 October, Chioggia Venice, Italy | |
607 | Deudero, S., Arnaud-Haond, S., Di Franco, A., Fromentin, J-M., Gucu, A.C., HilᲩo, A., Mariani., P., Panigada, S., Pascual, M., Rossi, V., Soldo, A., Villamor, A., Zalota, A.K., and Briand, F. . | 2016 | Executive summary. Pp 5-18 In CIESM Monograph 48 [F. Briand ed.] | Marine connectivity migration and larval dispersal, 172p., CIESM Publisher, Monaco. | |
608 | Zitterbart D.P., Bennet L., Burkhardt E., Cammareri A., Flau M., Kniest H., Lanfredi C., Owen K., Noad M., Pacini A., Boebel O. | 2016 | Exploring the thermal and technological limits of automatic whale detection. | 4th International Conference on the Effect of Noise on Aquatic Life, Dublin 2016 | |
609 | Fossi, M.C., Marsili, L., Baini, M., Giannetti, M., Guerranti, C., Caliani, I., Minutoli, R., Lauriano, G., Finoia, M.G., Rubegni, F., Panigada, S., Bérubé, M., Urban, J., Panti, C. . | 2016 | Fin whales and microplastics: The Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Cortez scenarios. | Environmental Pollution:209:68-78. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2015.11.022. | |
610 | Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Castellote, M., Druon , J.N., Panigada, S. . | 2016 | Fin whales: at home in a changing Mediterranean Sea? | Advances in Marine Biology Series, 75:75-101. | |
611 | Donovan G.P., Panigada S., Pierantonio N. | 2016 | Final Report in response to the proposal for new aerial surveys in the Strait of Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea. | Final report. International Whaling Commission. May 2016. 51pp. | |
612 | Bräger Zs., Gonzalvo J., Agazzi S., Bearzi G. | 2016 | Identification of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) prey using fish scale analysis. | Aquatic Mammals 42: 63–73. | |
613 | Libralato S., Moutopoulos D., Piroddi C., Gonzalvo J., | 2016 | Integrating environmental, climatic and human processes on a Mediterranean semi-enclosed embayment (Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece): a foodweb modelling approach for assessing ecosystem status. | MSEAS 2016, Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments, 30 May – 3 June 2016, Brest, France. | |
614 | Brierley A.S., Clapham P.J., Baker S.C., Baulch S., Santos M.G., Berggren P., Brownell R.L., Castro C., Charrassin J-B., Velasco L.C., Cooke J., Currey R., Gallego P., Galletti Vernazzani B., Herr H., Ivashchenko Y.V., Lauriano G., Leaper R., Mangel M., Marcondes M.C.C., de Oliveira Luna F., Panigada S., Reeves S.A., Ridoux V., Ritter F., Rodríguez-Fonseca J., Roel B.A., Rosenbaum H., Scheidat M., Simmonds M., Stachowitsch M., Wade P. . | 2016 | Japan’s whaling is unscientific. | Nature 529:283. | |
615 | Lanfredi, C., Azzellino, A., D’Amico, A., Centurioni, L., Ampolo Rella, M., et al. | 2016 | Key Oceanographic Characteristics of Cuvier’s Beaked (Ziphius cavirostris) Habitat in the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean). | J. Oceanogr Mar Res 4:145. | |
616 | Moutopoulos D.K., Libralato S., Piroddi C., Gonzalvo, J. | 2016 | Linking environmental, climatic and human-induced impacts on a Mediterranean semi-enclosed embayment (Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece): a food-web modelling approach. | Second Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation, 1-5 February 2016, Real Marina Hotel and Spa, Olhão, Portugal. | |
617 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G. . | 2016 | Marine mammals in the Mediterranean: an overview. | In: Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Podestà, M., Curry, B.E. (Eds.), Mediterranean marine mammals ecology and conservation. Advances in Marine Biology 75:1-36 | |
618 | Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Podestà, M., Curry, B.E. (Eds.), | 2016 | Mediterranean marine mammals ecology and conservation. | Advances in Marine Biology. 428 p. | |
619 | Panigada S., Pierantonio N. . | 2016 | Migratory patterns and strategies of Mediterranean marine mammals and relation to intersystem connectivity. | Marine Connectivity - Migratory routes, stepping stones, larval dispersal, CIESM Research Workshop n° 48, Mallorca (Spain), 9 – 12 March. | |
620 | Panigada S., Pierantonio N. | 2016 | Migratory patterns and strategies of Mediterranean marine mammals and relation to intersystem connectivity. . | Marine Connectivity - Migratory routes, stepping stones, larval dispersal, CIESM Research Workshop n° 48, Mallorca (Spain), 9 – 12 March | |
621 | Geijer C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S. . | 2016 | Mysticete migration revisited: are Mediterranean fin whales an anomaly? | Mammal Review, 46:284-296. | |
622 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Hoyt E., Reeves R., Ardron J.,Marsh H., Vongraven D., Barr B. . | 2016 | Place-based approaches to marine mammal conservation. | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26 (Suppl. 2):85-100 | |
623 | Lanfredi C., Airoldi, S., Pierantonio N., Passoni G., Ventura F., Azzellino A. | 2016 | Preliminary assessment of sperm whale foraging habitat in Ligurian Sea (North-Western Mediterranean Sea) by using underwater vocalizations. | 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Madeira, Portugal, 14-16 March 2016. | |
624 | Airoldi S., Azzellino A., Bompar J., David L., Dhermain F., Di-Meglio N., Jimenez V., Jourdan J., Lanfredi C., Moulins, A., Remonato E., Rosso M., Roul M., Scuderi A. | 2016 | Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) absolute abundance estimates using photographic mark-recapture methods in the northwestern part of the Pelagos Sanctuary, Mediterranean Sea.. | 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Madeira, Portugal, 14-16 March 2016. | |
625 | Bräger Zs., Moritz T., Tsikliras A. C., Gonzalvo J., Radulovic M., Staszny A. | 2016 | Scale morphometry allows discrimination of European sardine Sardina pilchardus and round sardinella Sardinella aurita and among their local populations. | Journal of Fish Biology 88: 1273–1281. | |
626 | Giovos I., Ganias K., Garagouni M., Gonzalvo J. | 2016 | Social Media in the Service of Conservation: a Case Study of Dolphins in the Hellenic Seas. | Aquatic Mammals 42: 12–19. | |
627 | Lawson J.M., Walls R.H., Fordham S.V., O’Malley M.P., Heupel M.R., Stevens G., Fernando D., Budziak A., Simpfendorfer C.A., Davidson L.N., Ender I., Francis M.P., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Dulvy N.K. . | 2016 | Sympathy for the devil: a conservation strategy for devil and manta rays. | PeerJ PrePrints 4:e1731v1 | |
628 | Gonzalvo, J., Lauriano G., Hammond P.S., Viaud-Martinez K.A., Fossi M.C., Natoli A., Marsili L. . | 2016 | The Gulf of Ambracia’s Common Bottlenose Dolphins, Tursiops truncatus: A Highly Dense and yet Threatened Population | In: Giuseppe Notarbartolo Di Sciara, Michela Podestà and Barbara E. Curry, editors, Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 75, Oxford: Academic Press, 2016, pp. 259-296. | |
629 | Podestà M., Azzellino A., Cañadas A., Frantzis A., Moulins A., Rosso M., Tepsich P. and Lanfredi C. | 2016 | Cuvier's Beaked Whale, Ziphius cavirostris, Distribution and Occurrence in the Mediterranean Sea: High-Use Areas and Conservation Threats. In: Giuseppe Notarbartolo Di Sciara, Michela Podestà and Barbara E. Curry, editors, | Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 75, Oxford: Academic Press, 2016, pp. 103-140. | |
630 | Carpinelli E., Andreu, E., Bittau, L., Cañadas, A., Cañales Caceres, R., Gauffier P., Manconi, R., Lewis, T., Moulins, A., Mussi, B., Pace, D., Rosso, M., Salandra, F., de Stephanis, R., Verborgh, P., Airoldi, S. | 2016 | Movements of sperm whales beyond the Pelagos Sanctuary. | 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Madeira, 14-16 March 2016. | |
631 | Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Gaspari S., Lanfredi C., Moulins A., Podestà M., Rosso M. and Tepsich P. | 2016 | Risso's Dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the Western Ligurian Sea: Trends in Population Size and Habitat Use. | In: Giuseppe Notarbartolo Di Sciara, Michela Podestà and Barbara E. Curry, editors, Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 75, Oxford: Academic Press, 2016, pp. 205-232. | |
632 | Azzellino, A., Airoldi, S., Gaspari, S., Lanfredi, C., Moulins, A., Podestà, M., Rosso, M., Tepsich, P. | 2016 | Risso’s Dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the Western Ligurian Sea: Trends in Population Size and Habitat Use. In: Giuseppe Notarbartolo Di Sciara, Michela Podestà and Barbara E. Curry, editors, | Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 75, Oxford: Academic Press, 2016, pp. 205-232. | |
633 | Aquatic Mammals Working Group of the Scientific Council. | 2017 | “Recreational in-water interaction with aquatic mammals. | UNEP/CMS/COP12/Inf.13. Agenda item 24.2.5”. Convention on Migratory Species. | |
634 | Azzellino A., Lanfredi C., Riefolo L. | 2017 | Assessing the environmental impacts of wave energy converters: determining appropriate reference sites”, | in the Proceedings of 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Cork, Ireland, from Sunday 27th August to Saturday 1st September, ISSN 2309-1983, pp. 996- 1/10. | |
635 | Panigada S., Donovan G.P., Druon J-N., Lauriano G., Notarbartolo di sciara G., Pierantonio N., Pirotta E., Zanardelli M., Zerbini A. N. | 2017 | Can satellite telemetry, aerial surveys and Important Marine Mamma Areas (IMMAs) facilitate cetacean conservation in the harsh environment of the Strait of Sicily? | 31st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Middelfart, Denmark, 29th April – 3rd May 2017. | |
636 | Azzellino A., Airoldi S., Lanfredi C., Podestà M., Zanardelli M. | 2017 | Cetacean response to environmental and anthropogenic drivers of change: Results of a 25-year distribution study in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. | Deep Sea Res. Part II | |
637 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Kerem D., Smeenk C., Rudolph P., Cesario A., Costa M., Elasar M., Feingold D., Fumagalli M., Goffman O., Hadar N., Mebrathu Y.T., Scheinin A. | 2017 | Cetaceans of the Red Sea. | CMS Technical Series 33. 86 p. | |
638 | Scuderi A., Espada Ruíz R., Haasová L., Cardoso Martins F., Olaya Ponzone L., García Gómez J.C., García Sanabria J. | 2017 | Collaborating towards the management of mysticeti in the Algeciras Bay. | 31st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Middelfart, Denmark | |
639 | Panigada S., Lauriano G., Donovan G.P., Pierantonio N., Cañadas A., Vázquez J.A., Burt L. . | 2017 | Estimating cetacean density and abundance in the Central Mediterranean Sea through aerial surveys: implications for conservation. | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Abundance, distribution and habitats of Atlantic and Mediterranean marine megafauna 141, 41–58. | |
640 | Caserini, S., Dolci, G., Azzellino, A., Lanfredi, C., Rigamonti, L., Barreto, B., Grosso, M. | 2017 | Evaluation of a new technology for carbon dioxide submarine storage in glass capsules. 2017. | International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 60, pp. 140-155. | |
641 | Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Kell L., Cañadas A., Donovan G.P., Panigada S. | 2017 | Fishery-independent surface abundance and density estimates of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from aerial surveys in the Central Mediterranean Sea. | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Abundance, distribution and habitats of Atlantic and Mediterranean marine megafauna 141, 102–114. | |
642 | Lanfredi, C., Tetley M.J., Panigada, S., David, L., Salivas, M., Zanardelli, M.,Hoyt, E. Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. | 2017 | Identification of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMA) in the Mediterranean Sea: results of the first IMMA regional expert workshop. | 31st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Middelfart, Denmark 1-3 March 2017. | |
643 | Panigada S., Tetley M.J., Lanfredi C., David L., Salivas M., Zanardelli M., Hoyt E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. . | 2017 | Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs): identification process and conservation implications for the Mediterranean Sea. | 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 23-27 October | |
644 | Pierantonio N., Ventura F., Airoldi S. | 2017 | Linking the dots: sperm whale corridors and connectivity in the Mediterranean Sea. | 31st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Middelfart, Denmark, 29th April – 3rd May 2017 | |
645 | Lanfredi C., Azzellino A. , Airoldi S. , Moulins A. , Podestà M. , Rosso, M. , Tepsich P. , Zanardelli M. . | 2017 | Lo studio della distribuzione e uso dell’habitat delle specie di cetacei nel Santuario Pelagos come strumento di gestione degli impatti derivati dalle attività umane. | Workshop Nazionale sul rumore antropico in mare e il suo impatto sui cetacei, Catania, 21 aprile 2017 | |
646 | Panigada S., Pierantonio N. | 2017 | Migratory patterns and strategies of Mediterranean marine mammals and relation to intersystem connectivity. . | Marine connectivity - migrations and larval dispersal, Publisher: CIESM Publisher, Editors: Frederic Briand, pp.95-104 | |
647 | Panigada S., Donovan G.P., Druon J.N., Lauriano G., Pierantonio N., Pirotta E., Zanardelli M., Zerbini A.N., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2017 | Satellite tagging of Mediterranean fin whales: working towards the identification of critical habitats and the focussing of mitigation measures. | Scientific Reports 7:3365 | htpps:// |
648 | Abudaya M., Ulman A., Salah J., Fernando D., Wor C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2017 | Speak of the devil ray (Mobula mobular) fishery in Gaza. | Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries | |
649 | Cañadas A., Aguilar de Soto N., Aissi M., Arcangeli A., Azzolin M., B-Nagy A., Bearzi G., Campana I., Chicote C., Cotte C., Crosti R., David L., Di Natale A., Fortuna C., Frantzis A., Garcia P., Gazo M., Gutierrez-Xarxa R., Holcer D., Laran S., Lauriano G., Lewis T., Moulins A., Mussi B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Pastor X., Politi E., Pulcini M., Raga J.A., Rendell L., Rosso M., Tepsich P., Tomás J., Tringali M., Roger T. | 2017 | The challenge of habitat modelling for threatened low density species using heterogeneous data: the case of Cuvier’s beaked whales in the Mediterranean. | Ecological Indicators 85:128-136. | |
650 | Gonzalvo J. | 2017 | The Importance of National Action Plans for the Conservation of Cetaceans. | 4th Biennial Conference on Cetacean Conservation in South Mediterranean Countries (CSMC4), Oran, Algeria 11-13 November 2017. | |
651 | Gonzalvo J., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2017 | The importance of safeguarding the presence of Mediterranean Monk Seal in the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago. | 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals: "2017: A Marine Mammal Odyssey, Eh!", Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 22-27 October 2017. | |
652 | Gonzalvo J., Giovos I. | 2017 | The last Samurai: who said bottlenose dolphins are not tough? | 31st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Middelfart, Denmark 1-3 May, 2017. | |
653 | Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Panigada, S., Lanfredi, C., Hoyt, E., . | 2017 | Towards a Transboundary Managed Area in the Strait of Sicily: Challenges and Opportunities. | Report to MAVA, Fondation pour l’Environnement. 85 p. | |
654 | Fumagalli M, Cesario A, Costa M, Slooten E, Higham J, Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2018 | A combined social-ecological approach for the assessment of the Samadai Reef management plan | 32nd Conference of the European Cetacean Society. La Spezia, Italy, 8-10 April 2018. | |
655 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2018 | Book review | Encyclopedia of marine mammals. Aquatic Mammals 44(5):587-588. DOI 10.1578/AM.44.5.2018.587 | |
656 | Haasová L., Espada Ruíz R., Martín Moreno E., Scuderi A., Olaya Ponzone L., García Gómez J.C. | 2018 | Interaction of common, striped and bottlenose dolphins with marine debris in the waters between Algeciras and Gibraltar. | Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 6th – 10th April 2018, La Spezia (Italy). | |
657 | Giovos I., Drougas A., Komnenou A., Gonzalvo J. | 2018 | The alarming case of the dolphin-fisheries interaction in Thermaic Gulf, Greece. | 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Spezia, Italy 8-10 April, 2018. | |
658 | Costa M. | 2018 | What News About Dolphins. | Webinar CIEMM, 17 Feb 2018 (file:///C:/2_DOKE/DOKE_in_the_media_Feb17/Presentation_Given/20180207_Webinar_CIEEM_7Feb18/What%20news%20about%20dolphins%20of%20the%20Falkland%20Islands.htm) | |
659 | Fumagalli M, Cesario A, Costa M, Harraway J, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Slooten E. | 2018 | “Behavioural responses of spinner dolphins to human interactions”. | Royal Society Open Science 5: 172044. | |
660 | Lanfredi C., Remonato E. and Airoldi S. (Eds). | 2018 | Preliminary Report of the Mediterranean Grampus Project 2.0: Improving knowledge and conservation of the Mediterranean population of Risso's dolphins through effective partnerships. | 50 pp. La Spezia, Italy, 7th April 2018 | |
661 | Gonzalvo J., Agazzi S. | 2018 | A Finless Common Bottlenose Dolphin Successfully Coping with Its Twist of Fate. | 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Spezia, Italy 8-10 April, 2018. | |
662 | Lanfredi, C., Azzellino, A., Moulins, A., Rosso, M., Tepsich, P., and Airoldi, S. | 2018 | Abundance assessment of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the North-Western portion of the Pelagos Sanctuary (NW Mediterranean Sea). | 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Spezia, Italy, 6th April – 10th April 2018. | |
663 | De Santis, V., Azzellino, A., Lanfredi, C., Airoldi, S. | 2018 | Are bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) increasing in the North–Western part of the Pelagos Sanctuary (Mediterranean Sea)? | 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Spezia, Italy, 6th April – 10th April 2018. | |
664 | Mannocci, L., Roberts, J.J., Halpin, P.N., Authier, M., Boisseau, O., Bradai, M.N., Cañadas, A., Chicote, C., David, L., Di-Méglio, N., Fortuna, C.M., Frantzis, A., Gazo, M., Genov, T., Hammond, P.S., Holcer, D., Kaschner, K., Kerem, D., Lauriano, G., Lewis, T., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Panigada, S., Raga, J.A., Scheinin, A., Ridoux, V., Vella, A., Vella, | 2018 | Assessing cetacean surveys throughout the Mediterranean Sea: a gap analysis in environmental space. | J. . Scientific Reports, 8:3126. | |
665 | Mannocci L., Roberts J.J., Halpin P.N., Authier M., Boisseau O., Bradai M.N., Cañadas A., Chicote C., David L., Di-Méglio N., Fortuna C.M., Frantzis A., Gazo M., Genov T., Hammond P.S., Holcer D., Kaschner K., Kerem D., Lauriano G., Lewis T., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Raga J.A., Scheinin A., Ridoux V., Vella A., Vella J. | 2018 | Assessing cetacean surveys throughout the Mediterranean Sea: a gap analysis in environmental space. | Scientific Reports 8:3126 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-19842-9 | |
666 | Fumagalli M., Cesario A., Costa M., Harraway J., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Slooten E. | 2018 | Behavioural responses of spinner dolphins to human interactions. | R Soc Open Sci., 5(4):172044. | |
667 | Ritter, F., Panigada, S. | 2018 | Collisions of Vessels With Cetaceans—The Underestimated Threat. | In: World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation. Elsevier Ltd. Pp: 531-547. | |
668 | Virgili A, Authier M, Boisseau O, Cañadas; A, Claridge; D, Cole T, Corkeron; P, Dorémus; G, David; L, Di‐Méglio; N, Dunn; C, E. Dunn T, García‐Barón; I, Laran; S, Lauriano; G, Lewis; M, Louzao; M, Mannocci L, Martínez‐Cedeira; J, Palka; D, Panigada; S, Pettex; E, Roberts; J, Ruiz L, Saavedra; C, Santos; M.B, Van Canneyt; O, Vázquez Bonales JA, Monestiez; P, Ridoux V. | 2018 | Combining multiple visual surveys to model the habitat of deep‐diving cetaceans at the basin scale. | Global Ecol Biogeogr. 00:115. | |
669 | Consales G., Gonzalvo J., Genov T., Orlandi F., Amico C., Marsili L. | 2018 | First Assessment of organochlorine levels in three different cetacean species in the Greek Ionian Sea. | 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Spezia, Italy 8-10 April, 2018. | |
670 | Sciancalepore G., Gonzalvo J., Pierantonio N., GriggioM., Bonato M. | 2018 | First characterization of whistles produced by common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) of the Gulf of Ambracia, Greece. | 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Spezia, Italy 8-10 April, 2018. | |
671 | Espada Ruíz R., Martín Moreno E., Haasová L., Olaya Ponzone L., Scuderi A., García-Gómez J.C. 2018. | 2018 | Marine activities causing harassment to common, striped, bottlenose dolphins in the waters between Gibraltar and Algeciras. | Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 6th – 10th April 2018, La Spezia (Italy). | |
672 | Lanfredi, C., Remonato, E., Airoldi, S. | 2018 | Mediterranean Grampus Project 2.0: Improving knowledge and conservation of the Mediterranean population of Risso's dolphins through effective partnerships. | Report ECS Workshop, La Spezia, 8th April. 50 pp | |
673 | Giovos, I., Moutopoulos, D.K., Charitou, A., Gonzalvo, J. | 2018 | Primary school students’ awareness about cetaceans in Greece. | Applied Environmental Education & Communication 23, 1–15. | |
674 | Stewart J.D., Jaine F.R.A., Armstrong A.J., Armstrong A.O., Bennett M.B., Burgess K.B., Couturier L.I.E., Croll D.A., Cronin M.R., Deakos M., Dudgeon C.L., Fernando D., Froman N., Germanov E.S., Hall M.A., Hinojosa-Alvarez S., Hosegood J.E., Kashiwagi T., Laglbauer B.J.L., Lezama-Ochoa N., Marshall A.D., McGregor F., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Palacios M.D., Peel L.R., Richardson A.J., Rubin R.D., Townsend K.A., Venables S.K., Stevens G.M.W. | 2018 | Research priorities to support effective manta and devil ray conservation. | Frontiers in Marine Science 5:314 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00314 | |
675 | Jahoda M., Azzellino A., Lanfredi C., Salandra F., Airoldi S.. | 2018 | Shifting foraging habitats of Mediterranean fin whales identified by behavioural data on fine scale and long-time period. | 2018. European Cetacean Society Conference La Spezia 2018. | |
676 | Tetley M.J., Panigada S., Lanfredi C., Zanardelli M., Hoyt E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2018 | The growing Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) Network: an update on the global process for informing the management practices of place-based marine conservation. | 32nd annual European Cetacean Society conference. La Spezia (Italy) 8-10 April, 2018 | |
677 | Pedrotti D., Centelleghe C., Bonato M., Gonzalvo J., Gili C., Esposti E., Mazzariol S. | 2018 | The Possible Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drone) to Collect Informations on Wild Cetaceans Health Status. | 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Spezia, Italy 8-10 April, 2018. | |
678 | Azzellino A., Lanfredi L., Jahoda M., De Santis V., Zanardelli M., Airoldi S. | 2018 | Time matters. Why we should consider more the temporal resolution of our studies. | European Cetacean Society Conference La Spezia 2018. | |
679 | Remonato, E., Airoldi, S., Rosso, M., Lanfredi, C., Bittau, L., Manconi, R., Chicote, C. A., Gazo, M., Moulins, A., Tepsich, P., Verga, A., Azzellino, A. | 2018 | Where are the Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) of the North Western Mediterranean Sea? Study of Movements Within and Outside the Pelagos Sanctuary. | 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Spezia, Italy, 6th April – 10th April 2018. | |
680 | Jahoda M., Airoldi, S., Lanfredi, C. | 2018 | Where have the Risso's dolphins gone? A public awareness and citizen science project in Italy. | Workshop on Grampus griseus. European Cetacean Society Conference La Spezia 2018 | |
681 | Jahoda M., Airoldi S., Lanfredi, C. | 2018 | Where have the Risso's dolphins gone? A public awareness and citizen science project in Italy. Workshop on Grampus griseus. | European Cetacean Society Conference La Spezia 2018. | |
682 | Frisch-Nwakanma H, Mancini A, Cesario A, Fumagalli M, Virtue M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2019 | Policy approaches for more sustainable marine wildlife watching | 2nd World Marine Mammal Conference. Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 December 2019. | |
683 | Bertella G, Fumagalli M, Williams-Grey V. | 2019 | “Wildlife tourism through the co-creation lens”. | Tourism Recreation Research 44(3):300-310 | |
684 | Andrés C., Gonzalvo J. | 2019 | Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) interaction with fish farms in the Gulf of Ambracia, Western Greece. | World Marine Mammal Conference WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2019 | |
685 | Arianna Azzellino, Caterina Lanfredi, Maddalena Jahoda, Valentina De Santis, Federica Salandra, Margherita Zanardelli and Sabina Airoldi. | 2019 | Fin whale and striped dolphin distribution patterns as response to environmental variability. | WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2019 | |
686 | Jahoda, Maddalena. | 2019 | Flukes in the dark. | Workshop on: “Arts” as a tool for communicating marine mammal science. World marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019. | |
687 | Agardy T., Cody M., Hastings S., Hoyt E., Nelson A., Tetley M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2019 | Looking beyond the horizon: an early warning system to keep marine mammal information relevant for conservation. | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29(S2):71–83. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3072 | |
688 | Arcangeli A., Atzori F., Azzolin M., Babey L., Campana I.,Carosso L., David L.,Di-Meglio N., Frau F., Garcia-Garin O.,Gregorietti M., Hamilton S., Monaco S., Moulins A., Paraboschi M., Pellegrino G.,Roul, M., Scuderi A., Vighi M. | 2019 | Modelling habitat suitability of low density cetaceans species in the Mediterranean Sea. | World Marine Mammal Conference. 9th- 12nd of December 2019, Barcelona (Spain). | |
689 | Archer, F, Brownell, R, Hancock-Hanser, B, Morin P, Robertson, K, Sherman, K, Calambokidis J, Rosel P, Mizroch, S., Panigada, S., Taylor, B. | 2019 | Revision of fin whale Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758) subspecies using genetics. | Journal of Mammalogy. | |
690 | Gaspari S., Letizia Marsili L., Natali C., Airoldi A., Lanfredi C., Deeming C., Moura A.E. | 2019 | Spatio-temporal patterns of genetic diversity in the Mediterranean striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). | J Zool Syst Evol Res.1–14. | |
691 | Centelleghe C., Carraro L., Gonzalvo J., Rosso M., Esposti E., Gili C., Bonato M., Pedrotti D., Cardazzo B., Povinelli M., Mazzariol S. | 2019 | The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to sample small cetaceans blow microbiome. | World Marine Mammal Conference WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2021 | |
692 | Pierantonio N., Gonzalvo J. | 2019 | UAV derived photogrammetric assessment of Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus body-length and condition. | World Marine Mammal Conference WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2019 | |
693 | Frisch-Nwakanma H, Mancini A, Cesario A, Fumagalli M, Virtue M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2019 | “Policy approaches for more sustainable marine wildlife watching”. | 2nd World Marine Mammal Conference. Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 December 2019. | |
694 | Fumagalli M, Cesario A, Costa M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Harraway J, Slooten E. | 2019 | “Population ecology and the management of whalewatching operations on a data-deficient dolphin population”. | Ecology and Evolution 9(18):10442-10456. | |
695 | CMS Scientific Council and Secretariat. | 2019 | “Recreational in-water interactions with aquatic species. | Review of existing guidelines and issues of concern. UNEP/CMS/COP13/Doc.26.2.5/Annex 2”. In: “Marine Wildlife Watching. UNEP/CMS/COP13/Doc.26.2.5”. Convention on Migratory Species | |
696 | Costa M, Fumagalli M, Cesario A. | 2019 | “Review of Cetaceans in the Red Sea”. | In: Rasul N and Stewart I (Eds) “Oceanography and environment of the Red Sea”. pp 281-303. Springer. | |
697 | Fumagalli M, Costa M, Cesario A. | 2019 | “Where dolphins sleep: resting areas in the Red Sea”. | In: Rasul N and Stewart I (Eds) “Oceanography and environment of the Red Sea”. pp 305-326. Springer. | |
698 | Brakes P., Dall S.R.X., Aplin L.M., Bearhop S., Carroll E.L., Ciucci P., Fishlock V., Ford J.K.B., Garland E.C., Keith S.A., McGregor P.K., Mesnick S.L., Noad M.J., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Robbins M.M., Simmonds M.P., Spina F., Thornton A., Wade P.R., Whiting M.J., Williams J., Rendell L., Whitehead H., Whiten A., Rutz C. | 2019 | Animal culture and conservation. | Science 10.1126/science.aaw3557 | |
699 | Jahoda, Maddalena, Paolo Gallese, Caterina Lanfredi, Chiara Servolini, Rosanna Scotti, Nicola Castelnuovo, Arianna Azzellino. | 2019 | Bringing whales to town. Workshop on: “Arts” as a tool for communicating marine mammal science. | World marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019. | |
700 | Margherita Zanardelli, Erich Hoyt, Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, Michael J. Tetley, David Mattila, Caterina Lanfredi, Simone Panigada. | 2019 | Can Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) be used to assist in identifying areas of “high risk” for ship strikes mitigation? | WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2019 | |
701 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Mo G., Gazo M., and Gonzalvo J. | 2019 | Draft updated Regional strategy for the conservation of monk seal in the Mediterranean. | UNEP/MED WG.461/5 Rev.1. 17 pp. | |
702 | Cabrera A.A., Hoekendijk Jeroen P.A., Aguilar A, Barco S.G., Berrow S, Bloch D, Borrell A, Cunha H.A., Dalla Rosa L, Dias C.P., Gauffier P, Hao W, Landry S, Larsen F, Martín V, Mizroch S, Oosting T, Øien N, Pampoulie C, Panigada S, Prieto R, Ramp C, Rivera-Léon V.E., Robbins J, Ryan C, Schall E, Sears R, Silva M.A., Urbán J, Wenzel F.W., Palsbøll P.J., Bérubé M. | 2019 | Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) mitogenomics: A cautionary tale of defining sub-species from mitochondrial sequence monophyly. | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. | |
703 | Azzellino, Arianna; Lanfredi, Caterina; Jahoda, Maddalena; De Santis, Valentina; Salandra, Federica; Zanardelli, Margherita; Airoldi, Sabina. | 2019 | Fin whale and striped dolphin distribution patterns as response to environmental variability. | World marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019. | |
704 | Panigada S., Araujo H., Belmont J., Cañadas A., David L., Di-Méglio N., Dorémios G., Gonzalvo J., Holcer D., Laran S., Lauriano G., Le Ravallec C., Paiu R.M., Perri M., Pierantonio N., Popov D., Ridoux V., Vazquez J.A. | 2019 | The ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative: The first synoptic survey of the Mediterranean Sea. | World Marine Mammal Conference WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2020 | |
705 | Scuderi A., García Sanabria J., Tiberti R., MCardoso Martiins F. | 2019 | How to get mutual benefit for whale watching companies and cetaceans. | World Marine Mammal Conference. 9th- 12nd of December 2019, Barcelona (Spain). | |
706 | De Santis V., Azzellino A., Lanfredi C., Airoldi S., Bellingeri M., Gnone G., Nuti S., Labach H., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Gonzalvo J. | 2019 | Movements of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) within the Pelagos Sanctuary (North-Western Mediterranean Sea). | World Marine Mammal Conference WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2019 | |
707 | Espada Ruíz R., Scuderi A., Martín Moreno E., Haasova L., Olaya Ponzone L., Garcìa Sanabria Javier. A. | 2019 | New cetacean monitoring programme along fixed transect using ferries as platform in the Strait of Gibraltar. | World Marine Mammal Conference. 9th- 12nd of December 2019, Barcelona (Spain). | |
708 | Pfyffer J., Gonzalvo J., Georges C. | 2019 | Open source, autonomous, camera system to facilitate the monitoring of Mediterranean monk seal caves. | World Marine Mammal Conference WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2019 | |
709 | Fumagalli M., Cesario A., Costa M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Harraway J., Slooten E. | 2019 | Population ecology and the management of whale watching operations on a data‐deficient dolphin population. | Ecology and Evolution, 9(18), pp.10442-10456. | |
710 | Costa M., Fumagalli M. & Cesario A. | 2019 | Review of Cetaceans in the Red Sea. | In Oceanographic and Biological Aspects of the Red Sea. Springer, Cham, 2019. 281-303. | |
711 | Pitman, R.L., Durban, J.W., Joyce, T., Fearnbach, H., Panigada, S., Lauriano, G. | 2019 | Skin in the game: Epidermal molt as a driver of long‐distance migration in whales. | Marine Mammal Science: 1-30. | |
712 | Gaspari, S.; Marsili, L.; Natali, C.; Airoldi, S.; Lanfredi, C. | 2019 | Spatio-temporal patterns of genetic diversity in the Mediterranean striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). | J Zool Syst Evol. Res. 57: 721– 734. | |
713 | Gonzalvo J., Mo G., Gazo M., and Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2019 | Status of the Implementation of the Regional Strategy for the Conservation of Monk Seal in the Mediterranean. | UNEP/MED WG.461/5 Rev.1. 38 pp. | |
714 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Adnet S., Bennett M., Broadhurst M.K., Fernando D., Jabado R.W., Laglbauer B.J.L., Stevens G. | 2019 | Taxonomic status, biological notes, and conservation of the longhorned pygmy devil ray Mobula eregoodoo (Cantor, 1849). | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2019;1-19. | |
715 | Johnson D., Barrio Froján C., Bax N., Dunstan P., Woolley S., Halpin P., Dunn D., Hazin C., Dias M., Davies T., Jiménez J., Ross E., Van Dover C., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Hoyt E., Tetley M.J., Gunn V., Von Nordheim H. | 2019 | The Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative: promoting scientific support for global ocean governance. | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29(S2):162–169. | |
716 | Michael Tetley, Erich Hoyt, Simone Panigada, Margherita Zanardelli, Caterina Lanfredi, Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara. | 2019 | The Growing Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) Network: an update on the global process for informing the management practices of marine mammal place-based conservation. | WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2019 | |
717 | Dunn D.C., Harrison A.L., Curtice C., DeLand S., Donnelly B., Fujioka E., Heywood E., Kot C.Y., Poulin S., Whitten M., Åkesson S., Alberini A., Appeltans W., Arcos J.M., Bailey H., Ballance L.T., Block B., Blondin H., Boustany A.M., Brenner J., Catry P., Cejudo D., Cleary J., Corkeron P., Costa D.P., Coyne M., Ortuño Crespo G., Davies T.E., Dias M.P., Douvere F., Ferretti F., Formia A., Freestone D., Friedlaender A.S., Frisch-Nwakanma H., Barrio Froján C., Gjerde K.M., Glowka L., Godley B.J., Gonzalez-Solis J., Granadeiro J.P., Gunn V., Hashimoto Y., Hawkes L.M., Hays G.C., Hazin C., Jimenez J., Johnson D.E., Luschi P., Maxwell S.M., McClellan C., Modest M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Herrero Palacio A., Palacios D.M., Pauly A., Rayner M., Rees A.F., Ross Salazar E., Secor D., A.M.M., Spalding M., Spina F., Van Parijs S., Wallace B., Varo-Cruz N., Virtue M., Weimerskirch H., Wilson L., Woodward B., Halpin P.N. | 2019 | The importance of migratory connectivity for global ocean policy. | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences 286:20191472. | |
718 | André E. Moura, Stefania Gaspari, Kypher Shreves, Letizia Marsili, Chiara Natali, Sabina Airoldi, Caterina Lanfredi, Charles Deeming | 2019 | Time series analyses of genetic changes in Mediterranean striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), in response to well known Morbillivirus epizootics over a 21 year period. | WMMC. Barcellona (Spain) Dec 9-12. 2019 | |
719 | Hays G.C., Bailey H., Bograd S.J., Bowen W.D., Campagna C., Carmichael R.H., Casale P., Chiaradia A., Costa D.P., Cuevas E., de Bruyn N., Dias M.P., Duarte C.M., Dunn D.C., Dutton P.H., Esteban N., Friedlaender A., Goetz K.T., Godley B.J., Halpin P.N., Hamann M., Hammerschlag N., Harcourt R., Harrison A.L., Hazen E.L., Heupel M.R., Hoyt E., Humphries N.E., Kot C.Y., Lea J.S.E., Marsh H., Maxwell S.M., McMahon C.R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Palacios D.M., Phillips R.A., Righton D., Schofield G., Seminoff J.A., Simpfendorfer C.A., Sims D.W., Takahashi A., Tetley M.J., Thums M., Trathan P.N., Villegas-Amtmann S., Wells R.S., Whiting S.D., Wildermann N.E., Sequeira A.M.M. | 2019 | Translating marine animal tracking data into conservation policy and management. | Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34:459-473. | |
720 | Fumagalli M., Cesario A. & Costa M. | 2019 | Where dolphins sleep: Resting areas in the Red Sea. | In Oceanographic and biological aspects of the Red Sea. Springer, Cham, 2019. 305-326. | |
721 | Daniel P. Zitterbart , Heather R. Smith, Michael Flau, Sebastian Richter Elke Burkhardt, Joe Beland, Louise Bennett, Alejandro Cammareri, Andrew Davis, Meike Holst, Caterina Lanfredi, Hanna Michel, Michael Noad, Kylie Owen, Aude Pacini and Olaf Boebel. | 2020 | Scaling the laws of thermal imaging-based whale detection. | Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. ACCEPTED. | |
722 | Jahoda Maddalena | 2020 | Balene salvateci! I cetacei visti da un'altra prospettiva, | Mursia | |
723 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Nunny L. | 2021 | Overview of cetacean species in European waters (including Red List status). | Pp. 18-26 in: L. Nunny (Ed.), Under pressure: the need to protect whales and dolphins in European waters. An OceanCare report. OceanCare, Gerbestrasse 6, Wädenswil, Switzerland. 146 p. | |
724 | Brakes P., Carroll E.L., Aplin L.M., Bearhop S., Ciucci P., Fishlock V., Ford J.K.B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Simmonds M.P., Spina F., Wade P.R., Whitehead H., Williams J., Dall S.R.X., Keith S.A., McGregor P.K., Mesnick S.L., Noad M.J., Rendell L., Robbins M.M., Rutz C., Thornton A., Whiten A., Whiting M.J., Garland E.C. | 2021 | A deepening understanding of animal culture suggests lessons for conservation. | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences 288; 20202718. | |
725 | Kershaw F., McClintock W., Andrews K.R., Riet-Sapriza F.G., Caballero S., Tetley M.J., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Hoyt E., Goldberg G., Chou E., Kane-Ritsch K., Rosenbaum H.C. | 2021 | Geospatial genetics: integrating genetics into marine protection and spatial planning. | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(9):2440-2458. | |
726 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Baldwin R., Braulik G., Collins T., Natoli A. | 2021 | Marine mammals of the Arabian seas. | Pp. 637-678 in: L. A. Jawad (Editor), The Arabian Seas: biodiversity, environmental challenges and conservation measures. Springer Nature Switzerland. 1377 p. | |
727 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Jabado R.W. | 2021 | Sharks and rays of the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters. | Pp. 443-477 in: L. A. Jawad (Editor), The Arabian Seas: biodiversity, environmental challenges and conservation measures. Springer Nature Switzerland. 1377 p. | |
728 | Hoyt E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2021 | Important Marine Mammal Areas: a spatial tool for marine mammal and biodiversity conservation. | Oryx | |
729 | Tsagarakis, K., Panigada, S., Machias, A., Giannoulaki, M., Foutsi, A., Pierantonio, N., Paximadis, G. | 2021 | Trophic interactions in the "small pelagic fish - dolphins - fisheries" triangle: Outputs of a modelling approach in the North Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean, Greece). | Ocean and Coastal Management, 204, 105474 | |
730 | Valsecchi, S., C. Lanfredi, A. Azzellino, A. Savini, V. A. Bracchi, F. Marchese, J. Hancock, R. Rees & C. Cánovas Pérez | 2021 | Analysis of the temporal and spatial variability of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) aggregation in the South Ari Marine Protected Area, Maldives, Indian Ocean | The European Zoological Journal, 88:1, 684-697. | |
731 | Pace, D.S., Lanfredi, C., Airoldi, S., Giacomini G., Silvestri, M., Pavan, G., & D. Ardizzone | 2021 | Trumpet sounds emitted by male sperm whales in the Mediterranean Sea | Sci Rep 11, 5867. | |
732 | Lanfredi, C., Arcangeli, A., David, L., Holcer, D., Rosso, M. & Natoli, A. | 2021 | Grampus griseus (Mediterranean subpopulation) | The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T16378423A190737150. | |
733 | Lanfredi C., De Santis V., Jahoda M. and Airoldi S. | 2021 | Tethys Research Institute - Cetacean Sanctuary Research, 2021. Report on the 1990-2020 Research and Conservation Activities in the Pelagos Sanctuary (North western Mediterranean Sea). | Tethys Research Institute. 2021 pp.56 + annex. | |
734 | Lanfredi C. and Notarbartolo di Sciara G. | 2018 | Practical guide on gap analysis and MPA system planning for the Mediterranean area. | Ed SPA/RAC. Tunis: 43 pages + annexes. | |
735 | Panigada, S., Azzellino, A., Cubaynes, H., Folegot, T., Fretwell, P., Jacob, T., Lanfredi, C., Leaper, R., Ody, D., Ratel, M. | 2020 | Proposal to develop and evaluate mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of ship strikes to fin and sperm whales in the Pelagos Sanctuary | Final report. Pelagos Secretariat - Convention No. 2018-04. 64 pp. | |
736 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Stevens G., Fernando D. | 2020 | The giant devil ray Mobula mobular is not giant, but it is the only spinetail devil ray | Marine Biodiversity Records 13(4):1-5. | |
737 | Borrell A., Vighi M., Genov T., Giovos I., Gonzalvo J. | 2020 | Feeding ecology of the highly threatened common bottlenose dolphin of the Gulf of Ambracia, Greece, through stable isotope analysis | Mar Mam Sci 2020: 1-13. | |
738 | Archer. F, Brownell R., Hancock-Hanser B., Morin P., Robertson K., Sherman K., Calambokidis J., Rosel P., Mizroch S., Panigada S., Taylor B. | 2019 | Revision of fin whale Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758) subspecies using genetics. | | |
739 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Hoyt E., Reeves R., Ardron J.,Marsh H., Vongraven D., Barr B. . | 2019 | Healing the wounds of marine mammals by protecting their habitat. | Ethics Sci Environ Polit 20:15-23. | |
740 | Tsagarakis K., Panigada S., Machias A., Giannoulaki M., Foutsi A., Pierantonio N., Paximadis G. | 2020 | Trophic interactions in the “small pelagic fish – dolphins – fisheries” triangle: Outputs of a modelling approach in the North Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean, Greece). | Ocean and Coastal Management, | |
741 | Fumagalli M, Guerra M, Brough T, Carome W, Constantine R, Higham J, Rayment W, Slooten E, Stockin K and Dawson S | 2021 | Looking Back to Move Forward: Lessons From Three Decades of Research and Management of Cetacean Tourism in New Zealand | Front. Mar. Sci. 8:624448. | |
742 | Marangi, M., Airoldi, S., Beneduce, L. et al. | 2021 | Wild whale faecal samples as a proxy of anthropogenic impact | Sci Rep 11, 5822 (2021). | |
743 | Pace, D.S., Lanfredi, C., Airoldi, S. et al. | 2021 | Trumpet sounds emitted by male sperm whales in the Mediterranean Sea | Sci. Rep. 11, 5867 | |
744 | Andrés C, Cardona L, Gonzalvo J. | 2021 | Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) interaction with fish farms in the Gulf of Ambracia, Western Greece. | Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 2021;1–12 | |
745 | Brakes P., Carroll E.L., Dall S.R.X., Keith S.A., McGregor P.K., Mesnick S.L., Noad M.J., Rendell L., Robbins M.M., Rutz C., Thornton A., Whiten A., Whiting M.J., Aplin L.M., Bearhop S., Ciucci P., Fishlock V., Ford J.K.B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Simmonds M.P., Spina F., Wade P.R., Whitehead H., Williams J. and Garland E.C. | 2021 | A deepening understanding of animal culture suggests lessons for conservation. | Proc. R. Soc. B 288: 20202718. | |
746 | S. Valsecchi, C. Lanfredi, A. Azzellino, A. Savini, V. A. Bracchi, F. Marchese, J. Hancock, R. Rees & C. Cánovas Pérez | 2021 | Analysis of the temporal and spatial variability of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) aggregation in the South Ari Marine Protected Area, Maldives, Indian Ocean | The European Zoological Journal, 88:1, 684-697 | |
747 | ACCOBAMS (Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Tonay A.M.) | 2021 | Conserving Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and adjacent areas: an ACCOBAMS status report, (2021) | Ed. ACCOBAMS, Monaco. 160 p. | |
748 | Eisfeld-Pierantonio, S.M., Pierantonio, N., Simmonds, M.P. | 2022 | The impact of marine debris on cetaceans with consideration of plastics generated by the COVID-19 pandemic | Environmental Pollution 118967 | |
749 | Panti C, Muñoz-Arnanz J, Marsili L, Panigada S, Baini M, Jiménez B, Fossi MC and Lauriano G | 2022 | Ecotoxicological Characterization of Type C Killer Whales From Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica): Molecular Biomarkers, Legacy, and Emerging Persistent Organic Contaminants | Front. Mar. Sci. 9:818370. | |
750 | Tetley MJ, Braulik GT, Lanfredi C, Minton G, Panigada S, Politi E, Zanardelli M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G and Hoyt E | 2022 | The Important Marine Mammal Area Network: A Tool for Systematic Spatial Planning in Response to the Marine Mammal Habitat Conservation Crisis | Front. Mar. Sci. 9:841789. | |
751 | Gelippi, M., Caraveo-Patiño, J., Gauger, M.F.W., Popp B.N., Panigada S., Marcín-Medina R. | 2022 | Isotopic composition of the eastern gray whale epidermis indicates contribution of prey outside Arctic feeding grounds | Sci Rep 12, 7055 | |
752 | Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, Bernd Würsig (Eds). | 2022 | Marine mammals: the evolving human factor | Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-98099-3 | |
753 | Gnone, G.; Bellingeri, M.; Molinari, Y.; Dhermain, F.; Labach, H.; Díaz López, B.; David, L.; Di Meglio, N.; Azzinari, G.; Azzinari, C.; Airoldi, S.; Lanfredi, C.; Gonzalvo, J.; De Santis, V.; Nuti, S.; Álvarez Chicote, C.; Gazo, M.; Mandich, A.; Alessi, J.; Azzellino, A.; Tomasi, N.; Santoni, M.-C.; Mancusi, C.; Falabrino, M.; Cañadas, A.M. | 2022 | The Seabed Makes the Dolphins: Physiographic Features Shape the Size and Structure of the Bottlenose Dolphin Geographical Units | J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1036. | |
754 | Zanardelli, M., Airoldi, S., Bérubé, M., Borsani, J.F., Di-Meglio, N., Gannier, A., Hammond, P.S., Jahoda, M., Lauriano, G., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. and Panigada, S. | 2022 | Long-term photo-identification study of fin whales in the Pelagos Sanctuary (NW Mediterranean) as a baseline for targeted conservation and mitigation measures | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1–14. | |
755 | Hyde CA, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Sorrentino L, Boyd C, Finucci B, Fowler SL, Kyne PM, Leurs G, Simpfendorfer CA, Tetley MJ, Womersley F and Jabado RW | 2022 | Putting sharks on the map: A global standard for improving shark area-based conservation | Front. Mar. Sci. 9:968853. | |
756 | Herr, H.; Hickmott, L.; Viquerat, S.; Panigada, S. | 2022 | First evidence for fin whale migration into the Pacific from Antarctic feeding grounds at Elephant Island | The Royal Society. Collection. | |
757 | DiMatteo A, Cañadas A, Roberts J, Sparks L, Panigada S, Boisseau O, Moscrop A, Fortuna CM, Lauriano G, Holcer D, Peltier H, Ridoux V, Raga JA, Tomás J, Broderick AC, Godley BJ, Haywood J, March D, Snape R, Sagarminaga R and Hochscheid S | 2022 | Basin-wide estimates of loggerhead turtle abundance in the Mediterranean Sea derived from line transect surveys | Front. Mar. Sci. 9:930412 | |
758 | Víkingsson, G., Panigada, S. | 2021 | Fin Whale Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758), in: K. Hackländer, F. E. Zachos (eds.), Handbook of the Mammals of Europe | Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer, Cham. | |
759 | F. Fabbri, T. Maggioni, A. Charitou, F. Carella, F. Soffietti, D. Thibault, S. Panigada, E. Politi, D. Katsada, J. Gonzalvo, A. Mazaris, G. Pozoukidou, M. Papageorgiou, J. Sánchez, A. Dalmau, F. Musco | 2021 | Integrated Ocean Mangement in the Mediterranean – Overview and good practices to foster the ecosystem approach | EU Project Grant No.: 2018-1-IT02- KA203-048520. MARINE Education and COmmunication network on the Mediterranean (MARINE_ECOMED). IUAV. 126 pp. (English). | |
760 | Gnone, G.; Bellingeri, M.; Airoldi, S.; Gonzalvo, J.; David, L.; Di-Méglio, N.; Cañadas, A.M.; Akkaya, A.; Awbery, T.; Mussi, B.; Campana, I.; Azzolin, M.; Dede, A.; Tonay, A.M.; Monaco, C.; Pellegrino, G.; Tepsich, P.; Moulins, A.; Arcangeli, A.; Labach, H.; Scheinin, A.P.; Mevorach, Y.; Carlucci, R.; Santacesaria, F.C.; Chicote, C.A.; Gazo, M.; Tintore, B.; Alessi, J.; Mandich, A.; Bittau, L.; Diaz Lopez, B.; Azzinari, C.; La Manna, G.; Pace, D.S.; Decandia, D.; Castelli, A.; Nuti, S.; Santoni, M.-C.; Verga, A.; Tomasi, N.; Giacoma, C.; Costantino, M.; Falabrino, M.; Azzellino, A. | 2023 | Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea: Encounter Rate, Dominant Species, and Diversity Hotspots | Diversity 2023, 15, 321. | |
761 | Sèbe M., David L., Dhermain F., Gourguet S., Madon B., Ody D., Panigada S., Peltier H., Pendleton L. | 2023 | Estimating the impact of ship strikes on the Mediterranean fin whale subpopulation | Ocean & Coastal Management 237 (106485). | |
762 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Zanardelli M. | 2021 | Striped Dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) | In: Hackländer, K., Zachos, F.E. (eds) Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer, Cham. | |
763 | Braulik, G. T., Taylor, B. L., Minton, G., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Collins, T., Rojas-Bracho, L., Crespo, E. A., Ponnampalam, L. S., Double, M. C., & Reeves, R. R. | 2023 | Red-list status and extinction risk of the world’s whales, dolphins, and porpoises | Conservation Biology, e14090. | |
764 | Paoletti S, Rumes B, Pierantonio N, Panigada S, Jan R, Folegot T, Schilling A, Riviere N, Carrier V, Dumoulin A, Van Hamme D, Marquis-Laisné G, Bruliard F-A, Petitpierre F, Demoor D | 2023 | SEADETECT: developing an automated detection system to reduce whale-vessel collision risk. | Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e113968. | |
765 | Cañadas A, Pierantonio N, Araùjo H, David L, Di Meglio N, Dorémus G, Gonzalvo J, Holcer D, Laran S, Lauriano G, Perri M, Ridoux V, Vàzquez JA and Panigada S | 2023 | Distribution patterns of marine megafauna density in the Mediterranean Sea assessed through the ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative (ASI) | Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1270917. | |
766 | Nivière M, Blanchard A, Jraifi O, Van Canneyt O, Dorémus G, Spitz J, Mansoux B, Panigada S and Laran S | 2024 | PelaSIG, a QGIS plugin for marine megafauna census: application to the aerial ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative dataset | Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1270335. | |
767 | Boisseau O, Reid J, Ryan C, Moscrop A, McLanaghan R and Panigada S | 2024 | Acoustic estimates of sperm whale abundance in the Mediterranean Sea as part of the ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative. | Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1164026. | |
768 | Panigada S, Pierantonio N, Arau ́ jo H, David L, Di-Me ́ glio N, Dore ́ mus G, Gonzalvo J, Holcer D, Laran S, Lauriano G, Paiu R-M, Perri M, Popov D, Ridoux V, Va ́zquez JA and Cañadas A | 2024 | The ACCOBAMS survey initiative: the first synoptic assessment of cetacean abundance in the Mediterranean Sea through aerial surveys. | Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1270513 | |
769 | Perna M, Brandini C, Bendoni M, Lapucci C, Galgani F, Panigada S, Cañadas A, Panti C and Fossi MC | 2024 | Evaluation of the exposure of the Mediterranean biodiversity to marine litter: the ASI – plastic busters MPAs projects connection. | Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1352059 | |
770 | Thompson, K.F., Gordon, J., Webber, T., Zuriel, Y., Kobo, K., Tchernov, D., Airoldi S., Violi B., Verga A., Gannier A., Fontanesi E., Ascheri D., Scheinin A.P. | 2024 | Threatened cetaceans off the coast of Israel and long-range movement of a sperm whale | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(5), e4155 | |
771 | Radaelli E, Palladino G, Nanetti E, Scicchitano D, Rampelli S, Airoldi S, Candela M, Marangi M | 2024 | Meta-analysis of the Cetacea gut microbiome: Diversity, co-evolution, and interaction with the anthropogenic pathobiome | Science of The Total Environment, Volume 932 | |
772 | Paiu R-M, Cañadas A, Dede A, Meshkova G, Murariu D, Amaha Ozturk A, Popov D, Tonay AM, Timofte C, Kopaliani N, Gol’din P and Panigada S | 2024 | Density and abundance estimates of cetaceans in the Black Sea through aerial surveys (ASI/CeNoBS) | Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1248950. | |
773 | Vivier, F., Andrés, C., Gonzalvo, J., Fertitta, K., van Aswegen, M., Foroughirad, V., Mann, J., McEntee, M., Wells, R.S. and Bejder, L. | 2024 | Inferring dolphin population status: using unoccupied aerial systems to quantify age-structure. | Anim. Conserv. August | |
774 | Panigada S, Bejaoui N, Boisseau O, Amaha Öztürk A and Ridoux V | 2024 | Editorial: The ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative (ASI): implementing large scale surveys for marine megafauna in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. | Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1503350. | |
775 | Borrell, A., Tort, B., Garcia-Garin, O., Genov, T., & Gonzalvo, J. | 2024 | Stable isotope ratios indicate trophic niche overlap in three sympatric delphinid species in the Eastern Ionian Sea. | Marine Mammal Science, e13196 | |
776 | Nisi A. C., Welch H., Brodie S., Leiphardt C., Rhodes R., Hazen E. L., Redfern J. V., Branch T. A., Barreto A. S., Calambokidis J., Clavelle T., Dares L., de Vos A., Gero S., Jackson J. A., Kenney R. D., Kroodsma D., Leaper R., McCauley D. J., Moore S. E., Ovsyanikova E., Panigada S., Robinson C. V., White T., Wilson J., Abrahms B. | 2024 | Ship collision risk threatens whales across the world’s oceans | Science, Vol 386, Issue 6724, pp. 870-875 | |
777 | D’Amen M., Fortuna C. M., Holcer D., Panigada S., Bonora N. & Lauriano G. | 2024 | Climate change and cetacean habitat suitability in the Mediterranean Sea: a challenge for Marine Strategy Framework Directive D1C4, D1C5 criteria | Animal Conservation, 27 November 2024 | |
778 | Rodriguez LK, De Bonis L, McKee J, McKenna JA, Urvois T, Barbaccia E, Dillane E, Lanfredi C, Hjellnes H, Jung A, Villa E, Azzellino A, Westgaard J-I, Quéméré E, Thalinger B. | 2025 | Inter-laboratory ring test for environmental DNA extraction protocols: implications for marine megafauna detection using three novel qPCR assays | Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 9: e128235. | |
779 | Humble, E., Boggio-Pasqua, A., Kamla, A., Bassos-Hull, K., Bergacker, S., Gose, M.-A., Hilbourne, S., Laglbauer, B., Martinez-Lopez, A., Fogwan, C., Biankeu, C., Stevens, G. . and Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. | 2025 | Genetic and Morphometric Support for the Atlantic Pygmy Devil Ray, Mobula hypostoma (Bancroft, 1831), in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. | Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst, 35: e70030. | |
780 | Notarbarolo di Sciara, G., Abudaya, M., Milisenda, G., Canese, S., Panigada, V., Salah, J., Panigada, S. | 2025 | Insights into spinetail devil ray spatial ecology in the Mediterranean Sea through satellite telemetry. | Sci Rep 15, 2405. | |
781 | Bellingeri, M., Nebuloni, A., La Manna, G. et al. | 2025 | Investigating the presence of different bottlenose dolphin ecotypes in the Mediterranean Sea. | Sci Rep 15, 5526. | |
782 | Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Gonzalvo J. | 2025 | Restricted access zone declared in Greece to protect monk seals (perhaps). | Oryx. Published online 2025:1-1. | |
783 | Kyne P., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Batlle Morera A., Charles R., Fernando D., García Rodríguez E., Gonzalez Pestana A., Priest M., Jabado R. | 2023 | Important Shark and Ray Areas: a new tool to optimize spatial planning for sharks. | Oryx 57(2):146-147. | |
784 | Palacios M.D., Stewart J.D., Croll D.A., Cronin M.R., Trejo-Ramirez A., Stevens G.M., Lezama-Ochoa N., Ziliacus K.M., Gonzales-Armas R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Galvan-Magaña F. | 2023 | Manta and devil ray aggregations: conservation challenges and developments in the field. | Frontiers in Marine Science | |
785 | Pierantonio, N., Panigada, S., Lauriano, G. | 2023 | Quantifying Abundance and Mapping Distribution of Loggerhead Turtles in the Mediterranean Sea Using Aerial Surveys: Implications for Conservation. | Diversity, 15, 1159. | |
Authors | Year | Title | Source |